Sunday, August 4, 2019

Unloading fabric

I slept well, for awhile, but woke in the middle of the night. After that, I only dozed off and on. I don't think the bites were bothering me. When the alarm went off, I stayed in bed for another half hour before calling it quits and getting up.
I turned on the router. I took a shower and wrapped my hair up to dry while I checked messages. I took some supplements. Then I got dressed for church. I took the shopping list from the fridge and put excess grocery bags in the car. Then I drove to church.
I parked in the back this time so I could pass the bathroom before seeing anyone who might want to converse. The plan worked. I talked to Ron for awhile, then sat between Don and Cecelia. I don't know why she sat with me. She said she prefers to be one of the first to go to communion because some people get their fingers in the wine when they intinct.
The service was short, because the interim pastor has cut out some of the liturgy. Also, instead of a sermon, two people from Still Serving Vets came to speak to our congregation about what they do. They are our third quarter giving focus. After the service, I escorted Don towards the fellowship hall but he insisted he didn't need me. (This after I escorted him to the communion rail and back). So I let him go and spoke to Jeanne. Then I saw Cathy escorting him to the coat closet to get his rollator. I think he likes being escorted by younger women.
I got in my car and saw that it was only 10:50. Wow! I went to Publix for groceries. I was looking for split mung dahl for making kitchari, but did not find any. I bought the usual things and went home. I put the food away, changed my clothes and made breakfast. After eating, I carried one tub of fabric to the car. The next one was too heavy so I split it into two loads. Then I put my machine in the trunk and went to quilting.
I parked right in front of the door. I took my machine inside and asked if anyone could help bring in fabric. Two ladies jumped up: Tina and Laura. They each carried a pile of fabric and I took the last tub. Laura took it from me after she laid down her load. The ladies making quilts for vets were happy to get it. I set up my machine by Laura. Someone mentioned that a pile of quilts needed trimming and binding. Laura knew someone who wanted to do hand binding. So I trimmed a quilt, made binding and sewed it onto the top, leaving the other side for the 80+ year old lady who binds. Lynette came back from the ER with the lady who cut her ring finger with a rotary blade. She had three stitches. It must have happened before lunch because food was brought out and they each filled a plate.
I chose another quilt and trimmed it. I didn't get much farther than that, talking and such. Then it seemed everyone was packing up, so I did, too. Tina did some vacuuming and I did the rest. She had brought eggs from her hens and I bought two dozen, using up all my cash. I moved my car so Lynette could pull hers up, but then she didn't.
When I got home, I had a salad for lunch. I put on the next episode of some health documentary. I wanted to go for a walk, but it started raining. So I did some sewing, making another 16-patch block to finish a quilt top from yesterday. Apparently I can't count and only made 11 last week. Several times I thought it had stopped raining and went out, but it hadn't. I wrote a check and put it in the mail carrying an umberella. But finally it stopped long enough for me to walk around the circle. I was glad because my back was hurting a little from carrying heavy stuff, and it felt a little better.
I had some fruit for supper. Then I cued up Netflix. Chris called at that exact moment. We talked for awhile. He had gone out with Herberth this morning, then had to work in the afternoon. Then he had called his family who had arrived at the beach house. After the call, I watched two episodes of Royal Pains. One lady held a party for her dog and called it a Bark Mizvah. Ha, ha, ha.
Then it was time for bed. I put on my new orange night gown. I started writing my blog post. Beverly sent me pics of a sewing machine that needed a cord and I went to look at my cords to see if I had a suitable one. I put my phone in airplane mode, and shut down the computer for the night. My legs were not itching so I looked forward to a restful night.
* Flo brought this quilt to donate. Isn't it adorable? *

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