Thursday, August 8, 2019

Wandering Whole Foods

I guess I slept pretty well last night. I woke up before the alarm went off. I smelled the seed crackers and realized they were still in the cold oven. I put them in a bag in the fridge. I listened to one CD of a book while sewing. I had to wear headphones so the sewing machine would not drown out the narrator. Then I looked up how to mail fat bombs without them melting. Some company in England makes thermal bags. I found out dry ice is -109 degrees F. Yikes.
I pushed myself away from the computer to go to my chiropractic appointment. I remembered to bring a book and the electrodes. I did not get much reading done however. Pretty quickly I was taken back to have my spine stretched. After 12 minutes of that, I sat in the hallway. I read a few pages, but then the doctor called me in. I showed him the bottle of bromelain I had. He wrote down the info because he was impressed with the number of GDU's. It is one of the few supplements he sells. Then we talked about stem cells and such while he adjusted my neck and back. Then I went up front to pay. The lady said I still had a credit on my account. Strange.
When I got home, I made and ate breakfast. There was a black film growing in my fermented coconut milk jar. So I switched to a clean jar. Then I read some e-mail, and put a set of strips in my sewing caddy. I took it to the car and went to quilting.
Two ladies were leaving just as I arrived. Leanne was there and I sat next to her. We all joined in conversation. I forwarded a message to Carol using my phone. She said she could find homes for some machines that a lady in the Monday group had access to. I sewed the strips together into a set, except for the last two rows. One of the strips was too narrow at one end, and needed to be replaced. My massage therapist texted me that she has an opening tomorrow so I took it.
Leanne had some time to kill before a hair appointment so we went to Whole Foods and wandered around. We each found some things to buy. Rotisserie chickens were $2 off, but only for Amazon Prime members. I got some cashews from the dispenser and tried to weigh them. I thought the machine would give me a ticket with the weight and price, but could not figure it out. Finally a store person came along and said you have to write down the weight and let the clerk calculate it up front. So then we checked out and parted ways.
I went home. I ate some seed crackers for lunch. Then I went for a walk. I listened to another CD while relaxing in the recliner. I wished I could listen while walking. I nearly fell asleep in the recliner. When it was over, I made a salad. The lettuce was wilting, so I put the rest in water to revive. I ate the salad, then my tapping buddy called. She wanted to tap surrogately for a family member. So we did.
After the tapping call, I skyped Chris back. We didn't have much to say. Then I watched one episode each of Royal Pains and Frasier. I lasered points on my ears as I listened. About 10, I wrote down the events of the day. I prepared for bed. My fingers came across something that felt like a tick, but turned out to be some stickiness from the electrode pads. However, there was something tiny on my wrist that had a hard time letting go. Even with a magnifying glass, I could not tell what it was. A red mark was left behind. I lasered it. Then it was time for bed.
* I didn't take any pics today. *

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