Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Unloading even more fabric

I had stayed up way too late reading, so I did not feel like getting up in the morning when my alarm went off. But then I remembered it was the start of a busy day. So I brushed and swished and got dressed. I took supplements and finished the Dr. Gray interview, then got ready for the Tuesday group.
I went to quilting early because I thought I had a doctor appointment at 10. But the appointment card in the cup holder said it was for Thursday. Too late, I was already on my way. I carried in a box of fabric to the quilters. I sat and talked with the small group there. But then others arrived. Anita pulled the fabric from the box and laid it out. Then the ladies looked it over. Jody came in and took a bunch. She also took the whole bag of tomatoes someone had brought in. When I questioned her, she took a few out and put the others back. I took Beverly out to my car and gave her some 30's fabric from my trunk. I knew she liked them so I saved them for her. Then we went back in, with me carrying stuff for dog beds. Some ladies started spray-basting quilts. The smell bothered me so Beverly and I moved to the other end of the room and laid out blocks for her twister quilt. We also talked about a shirt she was asked to make for a stuffed bear. Anita had brought in a sewing machine she got on a yard sale that didn't have a foot pedal. I had brought one from home and it just fit. We determined that the machine worked. Then I packed up my pedal and left with Beverly. We each drove to the Asian store for kimbap. Then I went home.
I ate my kimbap with kimchi already in my fridge. For some reason, it wasn't hitting the spot. So I made a small bowl of breakfast and ate that. Then I read e-mail and listened to an interview for awhile, before getting ready for my Tuesday afternoon activities.
I went to the recycling center to drop off a bag of glass, but the center is now closed, permanently. I continued on to my bank, where I got some cash. Then I went to the church. It was not deserted like I expected. Lifeline was using it to do screenings. I went to Jennifer's office to get the figs that she left for me. Then I went to the church office to record the offering and print reports. Elaine showed up before I was done. We talked, then I finished the reports. We found an unused room in the back and did our clearings. When we were done, she went home and I went to the bank to deposit the checks and pick up more deposit slips.
My next stop was the farmer's market. I got a zucchini and a squash. I picked up some buttermilk and some tomatoes, as well as a beautiful head of romaine and some swiss goat cheese. Then I went home. I put away the food and the buttermilk. I checked online for places to recycle glass but could not find any. I checked the mail. One junk letter for us and one for a previous resident.
I mowed the rest of the lawn. The mower got covered in bugs that looked like little gray hyphens. I sat down and read my book The Ship Beyond Time. I lost track of time reading it.
It was after 8 when I started supper. As I was fixing a salad, Chris skyped me. I finished the salad, then ate it while talking to him. His interview today went well and he has another one scheduled for next week. I finished listening to the talk in the interstitium. I took out the trash. I watched an episode of Frasier. I posted to my blog for yesterday and again for today. Then I got ready for bed. As of this moment, I am not sure what strategy I will use to try to get to sleep. Reading did not work last night.
* Just a pic of an idea I saw online a few days ago. *

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