Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Unloading more fabric

I woke early Monday morning. I found laundry in the dryer and folded it. I rewrote my Viome list with the updated results. A lot of the foods in the 'Minimize' list had moved to the 'Enjoy' list. But the 'Avoid' list still held almonds. cucumbers, chickpeas, bell peppers and garlic. Sigh. I did another clearing for almonds while listening to the depression summit. I printed out another copy of my supplement schedule. I lasered points on my cyst, which is either really small or gone. Then I made and ate breakfast and put a bin of fabric in the car,
I went to quilting. It was Birthday Monday, but not many ladies were there. I set the bin where others could look through it, but they didn't take much. I put borders on two quilts. I talked to the other ladies in the room. Our biggest conversationalists were not there. Afterward, I took the bin of fabric back to my car and went to the post office. There was junk mail only.
I went home. I ate a banana and some chocolate, then a dented can of soup I mowed most of the lawn, but the battery ran down so I plugged it in to recharge. I did not feel so good, so I took some charcoal. Later I tried to throw up, unsuccessfully. I sorted through a bag of batting and scraps, pulling out a few and saving the others for dog beds.
I listened to a Dr. John Gray interview. I paused it when Chris called. After his call, I watched one episode each of Royal Pains and Frasier. Then I started reading a book and couldn't put it down. Finally I went to bed without posting to my blog, thinking I would go directly to sleep. Ha.
* One of our Renegade ladies working on a quilt for Linus. *

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