Friday, March 27, 2020

5 of Hearts

I got up around 8:15. I soaked sprouts, and took supplements. I finished the face mask from last night, and sent a message to Gabriele. I opened the box for the new stimulator and plugged it in to charge. I read e-mail and listened to a short audio about drinking hot beverages throughout the day, using saunas or exercising to increase body temp, and not taking Advil or Tylenol because they made the coronavirus worse. If heat kills the virus, then these hot flashes ought to keep me safe.
I searched my sewing room for elastic of any kind. I got a call from Dr. Lee. He wants me to come in Tuesday morning to pay more taxes. I brushed and swished. I made bread for Chris. I used the UV wand to disinfect my phone and laptops and the mask. I mixed up some powdered vit C in water. I soaked a cotton ball in it and stuck it in my nose. Then I soaked another one and put it on my gums above the infected tooth.
It was a sunny day, and the temp inside was up to 82. I took a walk, then made breakfast. Tina came by with two dozen eggs. I paid and thanked her. I ate breakfast, and listened to interview with Dr. Klinghardt. I sewed another face mask, or two.
I texted Stacey that I should be back by 6 and we could walk then. William called. He said Dad was playing with the little keyboard and that his cognition had improved. After the call, I made up all the mid-afternoon supplements for the next week. I asked Chris to hard boil a dozen eggs for me. I watched a little bit of a video, then headed out.
I went to Ruth's to meet Gabriele. But she was still with a client, so I walked around outside then sat in my car. When she opened the door, I went in. I gave her the facemasks and asked her to choose the fabrics for the other masks. Her last client was there, and she wanted to buy some also. I had fabrics there for Gabriele to choose and the other lady chose some as well. I made a note in my phone so I wouldn't forget. Gabby told me that massages had been canceled until further notice.
Then I drove to a church past the dollar store. I went inside and bought more hair elastic since it worked so well. There was only one package left, but it was enough to make 6 masks. Then I proceeded to the church next to ours. Yarah was in the back of her truck, handing out orders. I got in 'line' but we were too far apart for it to be a real line. She spent too much time talking to a man who wasn't in line, probably he was a prospective customer. Finally, it was my turn to pick up 5 hearts. She had them bagged, but hadn't added up the price yet. So I waited for that, then paid her in cash.
Then I went home. I put the 5 hearts in the freezer. Chris had the corned beef ready. I ate supper waiting for Stacey to call. Finally she knocked on my door and we went walking around the circle. She was emoting about people hyping the current situation. We went around at least 4 times and maybe 5. Then she went home for her supper and I went home to watch Umbrella Academy with Chris.
After two episodes, he went to bed with a book and I stayed up to blog and do my pre-bedtime routine.

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