Wednesday, March 25, 2020

A good day for swarming

I got up at 8. Chris had gone to work. I started with bromelain, then brushed and swished twice. I thought I had plenty of time for rounds of supplements. But after making coffee and doing my exercises, I got a call from Dr. Lee asking me to come in early to help him write a letter, and then he was going to shut down until further notice.
So I rushed through my meditation morning. I gave a quick wipe to one bathroom, then took a shower and got dressed. My hair was still wet when I left the house at noon.
When I got to the Korean clinic, only Dr. Lee was there. He wanted me to write a note to his landlord asking for his rent to be forgiven until the shop can open again. I called Chris to ask for advice. Then I sat at the laptop and composed a letter. Dr. Lee liked it, so he 'sent' it. Then he asked me about the address he sent his house payment to. It was the wrong one, but when I called the company, they did not want to take any calls that were not related to the coronavirus. So I wrote another letter, explaining what address he sent the payment to, etc. This was handwritten and he put it in an envelop. I figured I was done, but then he showed me an e-mail from the tax office saying he needed to pay sales taxes for 2019. I could not remember how we did that before, so I had to look it up. Then, when we found the right site, etc, it would only let us pay by the month. So I started with December and went back. But it only went to April, so I could not do the first three months. I wrote a response to the e-mail saying we did what we could. Then, I was ready to leave, thinking if the store was closed, I was off the hook. But as I left (with two boxes of onion juice) he said he'd see me next week. Sigh.
When I got home, the sun was shining brightly. So I prepared breakfast and ate it sitting in the back yard. Then I pulled out my book and continued reading. After an hour or more, I heard Chris on the phone coming around to the gate. When he came inside, he asked me to check him for termites. He said they were swarming by the front door so he came around back. I did not see any on him. He checked the plants for sunburn, then went inside. I went inside as well. I texted our neighbors so they would know about the termites. Then Chris got a call from Housing. He told the man that treatment was not enough and that the whole structure needed to be checked. I did not get the feeling that they were going to do much of that.
Instead of going for a walk, I mowed the lawn. Then I plugged the battery in to recharge. Chris was talking to Michele about shows we might like on Netflix. I ate a packet of salmon, then some seed crackers and the last marinated artichoke heart. Chris hung up with Michele when his parents called to check on us, both because of the virus and because of the heavy rainstorm. Then I sat down at my laptop and watched the Lenten service that our church posted. They had spliced in sections from last week when we actually had people in the pews. The splicing was fine, but you could tell that part of the service was recorded at night and part was recorded during the day. I had some music so I sang along.
Chris made a bowl of popcorn, preparing to watch a movie on his laptop. I felt a little left out. When I asked, he said I wouldn't like the movie. So I read e-mail and listened to part of a podcast while I printed a pattern for a facemask. When Chris was done, I made my evening drink. We sat together and watched two episodes of The Umbrella Academy. The level of violence made me think it was not a good choice for watching right before bed time. Then Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog and take supplements, etc.
* The termites were coming out of the soffit. *

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