Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Social distancing takes a beating

I got up about 8. I started taking supplements and forgot to brush and swish. Chris had left the bread machine out, so I loaded it with ingredients and started it. I also made coffee. I did my special exercises and rebounded, then came the drybrushing.
After three rounds of meditation and tapping, I started cleaning. I put on the oral health summit. I brushed and swished. William called, twice, just to talk. I took a shower, then laid down on the special heating pad with a rolled up towel under my neck. My neck was sounding crunchy and I hoped it would help. But there wasn't much time for lying down. I got up and had a quick bite before I had to leave.
I was not early when I got to the Korean clinic. I showed her a picture of my new aloe plant and she said something I interpreted as “I'll take it if you ever don't want it.” He had a bunch of mail to show me and one by one, we decided each thing was undeserving of attention. Except for the delinquent tax slip, but the person who handles that is off for two weeks.
Then she showed me her phone. She had an app that showed two of her credit cards and the balance they carried. It took me a few minutes to figure out that she had a third card and wanted it to show on the same page. However, I could not find a 'add card' button. I called the number on the back of the card. It took some time before I got a representative. She said I needed to talk to a technical person. That was another long wait. Finally he came on the line and asked security questions and account questions. He said her information did not match her account and we were locked out. That made no sense to me since the card had her name on it. He said we'd have to call back, which meant another half hour wait. Finally, I got him to say that signing into her app under the business account might solve the problem. I hung up with him and tried her phone, but wasn't sure she knew how to sign in again, and I didn't want to stop her from accessing the two cards that were there.
As a reward, she said she'd fix my neck. I was asked to lie on a table. He rubbed the liver spot on each foot. The right one really hurt, but after a while, the pain subsided. Then he put needles in my feet and hands. They hurt going in, but not afterward. Then he stuck a needle in my temple. It hurt going in and continued, so I told him to take it out. She brought out a heat lamp for my feet. She said the needles were promoting circulation. I laid there for a few minutes, but my back began to hurt. I had to bend my knees and she tried to straighten them. So I insisted on getting up. She took the needles out and I stood up. She had me sit in a chair while she taped the back of my neck. Then she had me do arm swings while pressing a spot right in front of each shoulder. Sadly, I was feeling worse when I left.
When I got home, I checked the mail and found a package with a different address on it. I put Chris' mail at his laptop. I brought him my glasses and he was able to put the screw back in. I noticed the grass was dry, so I mowed the lawn: longitudinally and laterally. Then I made and ate breakfast, plus an apple. I walked down the street to deliver the package. The four kids from next door were playing on the sidewalk and one of them opened her arms to me. Social distancing be darned. I patted her on the back and continued on my way.
I called Stacey to see if she was going to the Wednesday evening service. She was going with her husband and they said I could come along. So I walked over at 6:15 and caught a ride. We talked about social distancing and the virus. We arrived at church early. I spoke to Ron at length. He said the measures we are taking are a bit extreme, but it is necessary to convince people that this is real and should be taken seriously.
I went in the sanctuary and found two bottles of essential oil at my seat. I pulled out cash and walked over to Jennifer with it. Then I sat down and counted people as they walked in. We had about 20. They were sitting where they usually sit. The president of the council gave opening remarks, adding that we should sit one family per pew, and skipping a pew between us. Nobody reseated themselves.
We had the usual singing, and Rich read a narrative he wrote about changing situations. After the service, I talked to Bill and then hung around to see how the video came out. The service was recorded for our Facebook page (which I found out later we don't have - yet) Stacey passed out cookies to whomever wanted one. I asked Tim if I should collect the offering and he took it to the office safe. I followed the Feigs out to their car. On the way home, I told them about a situation at church that I did not know what to do about. He said he'd look it up in the by-laws.
They dropped me off at my house. It was 8pm and Chris wasn't finished with his game yet. I played the trombone pieces Jennifer put in my mailbox yesterday. They were surprisingly taxing, though I don't know why. I made my evening drink. Chris finished his game and we watched two episodes of Call the Midwife. Then he made a sandwich with the fresh loaf of bread, and went to bed. I stayed up to blog and take supplements, and do the exercises that Dr. Grace gave me.
* I didn't take any pics today, so here is one of something odd I saw at Publix on Sunday. *

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