Monday, March 9, 2020

The battle of the crowns

I woke up early and went back to bed. Chris got up and went to work. My 7:30 alarm woke me and I stayed in bed just a little longer. However, then the 8:30 alarm went off. So clearly some time warp was in effect.
I took supplements, and read a book. I called the dentist office and they said to come in at 11:15. I brushed and swished. I tried to listen to an audio while measuring ingredients for a loaf of bread. I washed the dishes in the sink and wiped up any spilled flour. I checked e-mail again for a few minutes, then headed out to the dentist.
I was not surprised that I had to wait even though I got there on time. But in 15 minutes I was taken to a room and given a warm neck pillow. The assistant had me bite down on blue paper. The other dentist came in to check it out, and grind away at the high spot. We repeated the process 4 times. Finally she said I should give it some time and call if it did not get more comfortable. The high spot was gone, and now the back tooth was connecting to its upper twin. While it felt odd, I thought I could get used to it. The battle of the crowns was over.
I left the dentist at noon. I drove to the church for quilting. They were just singing Happy Birthday to the ladies of the month. I set up in the back and caught up on the news. I presented the ladies with the announcements from the modern quilt guild about the Sew-Signment sale. Joan took a pic of one. Then I resumed sewing the strips of squares and talking to Lauri. The others were trading blocks for the quilt-as-you-go class. I heard that one lady had surgery and so was not going to be able to participate. I decided to check into making a set of blocks for next week to fill the gap.
At 3 I packed up. I took the midafternoon supplements and went home. I was going to see if Stacey wanted to walk, but I could see she had company. So I made and ate breakfast. I had some seed crackers with pico de gallo, and then hummus. But there was a spot of mold growing in it. I couldn't understand how it went bad so quickly. I just made it on Saturday and kept it in the fridge.
Chris came home, with new credit cards. He called the company to find out what the deal was. At first I wanted to listen in, but when he started shouting at the phone, I went for a walk. I carried my trowel and a plastic bag. I dug up three irises from around a tree. It was an hour later when I got home. Chris told me to get rid of the card I just memorized. Sigh. He called the credit card company again, and the new rep said keep the card I memorized and destroy the newest one since it has the old number. There was more shouting. Sigh. I took over the call and made certain all was well and that the proper people would be notified to insure this would not happen to anyone else.
I played scales and such on my trombone until my lip was done. I listened to interviews from the Non-toxic Beauty summit. I don't remember signing up for it, but there aren't any others going on this week. I made a large salad and put an egg on top. I made notes on charity blocks dimensions and fabrics needed to make 20 blocks.
We watched two episodes of Call the Midwife. There were so many scenes worth crying over that I wondered if the writers were doing it intentionally. I took my supplements and wrote my blog post while Chris finished up at his laptop. Then we both got ready for bed.
* This is what I made today, a 10 by 14 which used up most of the blocks. *

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