Saturday, March 28, 2020

Everybody is ok

I got up at 8:30. I brushed and swished. I soaked the sprouts. I put together practitioner supplements for the week. I tried out the stimulator that had been charging overnight. It did not work. Chris slept in. When he finally got up, I asked him for a massage, and he gave me one. It got the sheets all greasy, but hey, it's laundry day. I got up and took a shower, with at least 5 rounds of hot and cold at the end. Then I put the fan on to dry out the bathroom and got dressed. I cut out mask pieces from fabric and a bag.
I got caught up reading e-mail, then realized it was another sunny day. I took a walk to the picnic table beyond the soccer field. I sat there and read with one bare foot on the ground. It was almost 1 when I came back. I made and ate breakfast while watching a video of a professor who talked about Google and Facebook collecting info on all of us and selling it to businesses so they can target us at our most vulnerable moments. When it was over, I checked the mail. Amongst the letters was one addressed to me supposedly from Donald Trump asking me to join a group of his supporters. I guess they collected the wrong info on me, 'cause I just pitched it into recycling.
I searched storage looking for more reusable grocery bags. I found another black one and a green one. I cut more pieces, and was getting ready to sew when Michele called. I think she was checking on us. She and I had a long discussion. Then I called Dad, but talked to Darleen at length. Finally Dad got on the line, but he kept misunderstanding what I said. I heard Faye come in, but Dad could not get her attention. I ended the call so he could hang up the phone and talk to her.
It was almost 5, so I went to two dollar stores in case they close earlier than usual. I got more hair elastic and a red reusable bag. I sent Stacey a text, then mowed the front yard. Usually the landscape people do that, but for some reason they haven't. Chris didn't understand why I would mow the front lawn, but I wanted it to look nice. Stacey had returned my text. She was eating supper, so I had a bowl of corned beef stew, and then made a salad. As I ate, I read the new by-laws for our church.
I was almost done eating the salad when Stacey knocked on the door. I put the salad aside and went out. We walked three times around the circle and then went behind Housing to check on the irises. New ones were blooming, but they were just as white as the first ones.
When I got home, I finished my salad, and ate blueberries. I picked up my wand and went next door to sanitize their phones and keyboards. We also talked about termites. She showed me the damage to her window sill and said someone was coming Monday to treat the outsides of the structure.
When I got back, it was after 8. I made my evening drink, and watched two episodes of The Umbrella Academy with Chris. Then we put clean sheets on the bed. Chris laid down and read for awhile. I stayed up to blog and stretch and brush and swish.
* I am running out of quilt pics because I have no group meetings for new ones. *

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