Tuesday, March 24, 2020

When it rains, it pours

I woke up early, hearing the rain pounding on the roof. Chris was already up. I went back to sleep, then heard my alarm go off at 7:30. I did not feel like getting up, partly because of the rain. But around 8 my cortisol level rose so I made an attempt and succeeded. That is when Chris' group call started, so I had to be quiet. I looked out the back door to see a flooded yard. Then I noticed that the back porch was flooded up to the door. I put a rug in front of it just in case. The front porch was fine, probably because the yard slopes to the street.
I started the supplements, then brushed and swished. I checked e-mail. I looked for a dishwasher detergent that doesn't leave residue on dishes. I read an article about states are handing their health care power to an unelected group that advises the CDC on which vaccines should be mandatory. I whipped up a batch of seed crackers. I swept the kitchen floor. At 11 Chris took his shower while I jotted notes for my blog. I continued my search for detergent, looking for reviews on Amazon, but the products I was interested in did not have reviews. I checked Dr. Bronner's site. And the internet went out.
With no internet, Chris could not sign in to his group calls. I played my trombone at full volume, trying to get ready for Easter. Then I made and ate breakfast. The internet came back on. I looked at dishwasher detergents and decided on the one from Honest Company. But then I couldn't find it for sale on their website or on Amazon. So I went back to research others. This time I chose a detergent called Nice!. I hoped to order it from Amazon, but it seemed only to be sold at Walgreens. William called me. He said that Theresa was back as Dad's caregiver. We are all glad about that.
It was almost 2, so it was time to go to the church. I poured some fire cider in a jar for Jennifer and also some fermented banana in another jar. I drove to church. I put a jar of peanutbutter in the food pantry. I entered offering data into the computer. There wasn't much because people are still mailing their offerings. I printed the reports, and shredded some old papers. Then I put the jars in Jennifer's office.
The sun was shining as I drove to the bank. I couldn't see a CLOSED sign, so I parked and walked up to the door. Still no sign, so I walked through the outer doors. On the inner door was a sign saying this location was closed and giving the addresses of the other three locations – none of which were convenient. I called Chris to look up the addresses and tell me where they were. I chose the one just past Jo-Anns. I was not in a good mood. Again, I had to walk up to the doors to find out that the lobby was closed, but the drive-thru was open. When I drove through, I could not reach the shuttle without opening my door. I didn't want to touch the cash, but I had to take it out of the blue bag to put in the shuttle. The lady processed the deposit and sent the ticket back. I thanked her and drove off.
To improve my mood, I stopped at Jo-Anns. There was a sign on the door urging customers to stay 6 feet away from each other. I looked around, and decided to get a roll of gold trim. There wasn't anything else that interested me, so I paid for it and went home.
The sun wasn't sure if it wanted to shine or not. So I went for a walk without waiting to see if anyone was available to go along. I went up the hill to the back of the neighborhood and looked for budding flowers. I did not find any, so I went back home. I read e-mail for a bit, then had supper. I finished off the corned beef and then had some of the pico de gallo that Chris made. I topped it with sprouts. Then I ate a can of mushroom soup.
I put on the latest episode of TQS. While it played, I looked at the shuttle blocks and wished for more space fabric. Then I saw that there were pieces of space fabric in with the rocket. I played with arrangements to find something that wouldn't looked pieced. As the show was finishing, Chris came in to watch TV. He pulled up Call the Midwife while I prepared my vitamin drink. I had soaked chia seeds in water, so I just added the vitamins to that. By the time I got back to the living room, Chris found out that there were no episodes left. So we ended up trying The Umbrella Academy instead. It seems interesting, but might get too violent. Chris went to bed and I stayed up for the usual reasons.
* On the lower right, you can see the water level is only an inch from the bottom of the door. *

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