Sunday, March 8, 2020

A trove of daffodils

I woke up early. I heard Herberth get into the shower. There was a lot of coughing. I began to wonder if he had the coronavirus, being from another country and having ridden on a plane. The shower was long and we got up to start the day. I took supplements and brushed and swished. Herberth came out dressed and greeted me, but I couldn't talk because my mouth was full of swish. I ironed and trimmed the 11 blocks I made yesterday. Then Chris took his shower. I practiced my trombone. He got dressed and they left for chapel. I took my shower, got dressed, combed my hair and went to my church.
The choir was assembled when I got there. We sang through the song, but I did not have the right pitches. We altos were supposed to sing with the tenors, and it was enough to throw me off. So after the warm-up was over, I went to the Garden Room where there was another piano and I went over the tenor part again and again. Then I returned to the sanctuary to sit with Don until the service began.
The sermon today was about the apostle's creed as explained in Luther's small catechism. I walked Don to the communion rail afterward, and he was unsteady. So when the service was over, I suggested we go for a walk to get some exercise. And we did. It was a short walk because his caregiver was already there to take him home. But she would have waited. Then I went back into the church to make sure the offering was put up. And I went home.
I changed clothes when I got home. Chris and Herberth were ready to shop, but I took a few minutes to eat some seed crackers and nuts. Then we went to Publix for groceries and beer for Herberth. When we got home again, Chris put the food away while I made and ate breakfast. He and Herberth left for Tuscaloosa, and I went back to the hotel for charity sewing.
It was a bright sunny day. I got to sit by the window again. Fewer ladies were there, but we got a lot done. I turned in the 11 blocks. Trina gave me a bag of squares in rows of 8. I made a quilt top out of most of them, and handed it in. Then I started sewing the leftover strips. Kerry wanted to leave by 5, so I started packing up at 4:30 (though my watch said 3:30). I put my stuff in the car, plus a box of books that Carol was supposed to take. Then I helped Kerry load bins of fabric into her car. This time it was daylight when I left, and I had no trouble finding my way out of the parking lot and back to base. I went through Gate 9 which was faster than going through Gate 8, even with the doubling back that is necessary.
When I got home, I texted Stacey about going for a walk. I got everything ready, then sat in the back yard and read a book. It was heavenly! When I got her text, I put up the book and went to her house. She and I walked up the hill in the back and searched for wild daffodils. Stacey found a whole new place full of them in the woods. We went across the street and dug up some, then carried them back to my house. We talked to Chris and he showed her a picture of his costume. Then she and I went for one more walk around the circle.
After she went home, I ate some ox-tail for supper and made a big salad. I read e-mail until Chris was ready. Then we watched two episodes of Call the Midwife. They were very moving, as usual. He went to bed and I stayed up to blog.
* This is the room in the hotel where we sewed tops and pillowcases for charity - mostly St- Judes. *

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