Saturday, March 14, 2020

Making a meme

Chris got up early, probably 4, and woke up Herberth. I went back to sleep. I woke up when Chris came back to bed after taking him to the airport. I went back to sleep. Later, I woke up and laid awake, listening for the alarm. When I didn't hear it, I got up and checked: it was 10am.
I brushed and swished. The bathroom smelled a lot like Herberth's cologne. I tidied up a bit. Chris got up. I washed dishes and the wine glasses that the guys used yesterday. I poured boiling water over the next batch of nuts. Then I used that water to sanitize my sprouter. I put in a tbl of seeds and covered them with filtered water. Chris stripped the bed to wash the linens. I filled a spray bottle with water, vinegar, and essential oils. I sprayed the mattress and put the fan on low to dry it out.
Then I checked e-mail. Local schools are closed until April 6th. So a number of my quilting groups are canceling all their activities for that time also. I practiced my trombone while Chris was in the shower. I took supplements on schedule. I couldn't find the pic I wanted for my PI day meme, so I chose something else round and added words, then published it to my Facebook page.
At 12:20 I took a break from e-mail to make and eat breakfast. I listened to a long podcast 10 minutes at a time. I finished sewing some blocks and cut more pieces. I called Dad and he seemed to be doing well. I tried to mow the yard, but the battery was low, so I didn't get far. I wrenched my shoulder bringing the battery inside to recharge. I searched the house looking for the charger, and finally found it plugged in outside. I asked Chris to move it back out for me. Then I took a walk around the circle. I went back to my laptop, but when the sun brightened, I went outside to read. It was lovely then.
When I came in, I made a big salad with whatever greens were leftover. After that, I had a bowl of cold soup.
I sprinkled baking soda on the mattress. I put on another audio and started sewing pieces together. Then Chris asked me about watching TV. I didn't realize it was that time. So I made my magnesium drink and we sat down to watch one episode of Call the Midwife. There were some really sorrowful cases on there. When it was over, I looked for the right implement to vacuum the baking soda, but could not find it. So I hoisted the vacuum onto the bed and did about a third. Chris called me down and showed me a box in the closet which should have had vacuum parts in it. But when he got it down, it did not. Thankfully he finished sweeping up the baking soda and then we dressed the bed.
He went to bed while I stayed up to blog. I sent pics to the old laptop in case I could upload them from there. But then Blogger got its' act together, and I was able to post this pic. Then I got ready for bed.

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