Monday, March 16, 2020

Guarding my teeth

I got up at 8:30. I took bromelain, which meant breakfast would be delayed an hour. I rinsed the assorted sprouts. I brushed and swished. I took 'push' supplements, read e-mail, then took the 'catch' supplements. I read more e-mail and listened to interviews. I tried to order a supplement, but was told my card was refused. I tried to call the cc company, but a robotic voice told me they had higher than normal call volume and hung up on me. Kurt wanted me to create a meme for him, so I did. But I don't think he posted it anywhere.
I had a late breakfast. I opened the dental guard kit and read the instructions several time. I looked it up on Amazon and read the reviews. Finally I boiled some water, softened the guard, and molded it to my teeth. But I don't think I got it hot enough, because my teeth did not go far in.
I practiced my trombone. Then I was going to mow, but the grass was wet. Sigh. I put on an interview and sewed some blocks, ironed them and pressed them.
Chris came home. He got his work e-mail back, but there were no job offers. I went for a walk and picked some weeds for supper. I checked the house mail, but there wasn't anything there. I sewed the rest of the blocks, then pressed them and trimmed them. When I counted them, there were not enough to keep a set for me and share with all the ladies in the Monday group. One fabric had run out so I tried to piece some smaller pieces into larger pieces.
For supper, I ate some celery with hummus on it. I heated the coconut curry soup. Then I put a hand blender in the pot and pureed it. The larger chunks of cauliflower did not get caught. I tasted it, but it wasn't that good. A little pepper helped. Also, adding some of Jennifer's soup helped. In the end, I finished the soup and washed the dishes. I did not wash the pot that Chris burned rice in. I figured he could do that.
I called Faye, and when she didn't answer, I called Dad. He seemed ok except that he couldn't understand a word I said. Then Faye came on the line and we had a nice chat. She handed Dad a small electric keyboard and he played two melodies on it. Sadly his gym in on restricted entrance, so he won't get as much exercise for awhile.
I listened to the opening of episode 5 of the oral health summit. Then Chris left his laptop and I prepared my magnesium and vitamin water. We watched two episodes of Call the Midwife. Such heart-wrenching episodes! Chris made his sandwich and went to bed. I stayed up to blog and re-do my dental guard.
* I didn't take any pics today, so here is the meme Kurt asked for. *

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