Saturday, March 21, 2020

More than one way to make a face mask

I don't remember when I got up, but it was after the first alarm. While Chris read his e-mail, I looked at the fabric lying on my table and wondered what to do with it. Then I remembered that I was trying to order something last night. I got on my laptop to look it up and got caught up in reading articles about the coronavirus.
I showered and put on orange pants and shirt. Orange is the color of creativity and I was hoping it would help with quilting ideas. I also put vodka on my head and covered it with a shower cap. Maybe if I do it often enough, the itching will go away permanently.
Reading e-mail, I saw that one of my groups wants to make facemasks for the local hospital. So I started looking at videos on sewing facemasks. One used a tissue, rubber bands, and staples. I broached the idea to Chris, but he thought handmade face masks too ineffective.
I made and ate breakfast. Since my group was getting more and more excited about making facemasks, I looked for my large roll of elastic to donate to the cause. Two ladies had requests already from medical staff. But, though I looked high and low in my sewing room, the guest room, and the garage, the location of the elastic remained a mystery.
I practiced the Easter songs on my trombone, showing faith that this will be over by then. I sat outside and read, although it was a little chilly out, and no sun, only an overcast sky threatening rain. When I came in, I continued looking for the best price on supplement, something I didn't finish last night.
Finally, I put on my warmest coat and checked the mail, then went for a walk. I went behind Housing to check on the irises. There were a few white ones in bloom. As I was heading back, I ran into Stacey, whom I had texted about walking an hour ago. We went around the circle several times. She told me they had gone to the church today to tape the service for tomorrow. The service would be on Facebook or Youtube, and the church would be closed by counsel of the bishop.
Finally we ended up at my house. I showed her how the peony plants were shooting up, and we looked in the kitchen window to see the large aloe. Then she went home for supper. I swallowed supplements, then ate today's handful of nuts. For supper, I ate some corned beef, then made a big salad, using up most of the greens left. I read some articles on 5G and the coronavirus while I ate. Then I made a batch of bananas to ferment. I cut up the peels and put them in a bucket to leach nutrients into the water.
We watched two episodes of Call the Midwife. Then Chris and I dressed the bed with freshly washed sheets. Chris went to bed with a book, and I stayed up to blog and do all the before-bed stuff.
* Everyone has their own idea of the best way to make a face mask. *

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