Sunday, March 29, 2020

Luckily I was sewing at the time...

I fell asleep in the usual amount of time last night, but then woke up in the middle of the night because of a sudden storm. The wind and rain were ferocious. But it did not last long. I went back to sleep and did not hear Chris get up. I woke up later and noticed him gone. I tried to go back to sleep, but I could not. So finally I got up and found him on his laptop. He came back to bed with me, and we slept.
I got up abut 9, and brushed and swished. I watched our church service on Youtube. It went well. The bulletin was attached, but I did not know how to view it and the service at the same time. I didn't want to print it all out, either.
Afterward, Chris and I showered together, to save water. Then we went to Publix. This time the cereal aisle was almost bare. And the dried bean section. But there were eggs today. Anyway, we bought groceries and went home. Chris pulled the food out of the bags while I washed the cans and boxes. Then I made and ate breakfast.
After breakfast, I put on my bathing suit and read outside in the sun. When the book was finished, I came in. I cut and pinned mask pieces. I texted Stacey and laid out in the sun. When I came in, she had texted me to come over, so I changed clothes and went to her house. Her husband told her not to be too long because they were expecting someone. So she and I walked around the circle once. A new car was in her driveway by then, so I bid her goodbye and went home.
I put on the Lizzy Albright videos and sewed until I noticed a swarm of termites coming from the window sill in front of my machine. I got out the vacuum cleaner and swept them up over the next half hour or so, watching intently as each one appeared. After that they emerged few and far between. I texted our neighbors to be on the lookout.
I called Faye and got her voice mail, but she called me back. We talked about her experiences taking Dad to all the grocery stores today. We also talked about how her hospital is dealing with the virus. Apparently masks suddenly became in short supply, like they were being hoarded. She and co-workers experimented with making disposable masks out of instrument covers and staples.
After the call, I ate a bowl of corned beef stew for supper. I listened to more of the story, then fixed myself a big salad. Chris was ready before I finished eating, so I ate while watching The Umbrella Academy. We watched a second episode as well, not realizing that it was the last one available on Netflix. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog.
* I had no idea they had made so many tunnels. *

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