Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Face masks for everybody

Last night it seemed Chris had caught the Snoronavirus. I wished I could sleep 6 rooms away. I poked him until the snoring stopped. Finally I went to sleep, thinking about the last facemask I needed to make.
thou shalt not covid thy neighbor's wife
I got up at 8:30 to shut off alarm. Chris was on a group call. I brushed and swished. When I went to make the last facemask, things were much further along than I remembered. The mask was already cut out and both layers sewn together. All I had to do was add elastic.
I took my supplements and checked e-mail. Then I sterilized the masks with uv-C wand, and packaged them in baggies. I finished my supplement routine, then washed up and got dressed. I took the extra facemask and went to the Korean clinic. I was not expecting Dr. Grace, but I gave her the extra face mask. She was extremely happy with it because she was born in the year of the horse and there were horses on the fabric.
He showed me an e-mail from the tax lady. She referred to some form we could use to pay the remaining taxes, but he didn't have it and I could not find it online. What I did find was a form to get a sales account number. So I filled it out and he got it ready for the mail. She wanted me to call her credit card bank and get them to stop sending bills for awhile. It took a long time to get a customer service rep on the phone and when I did, that lady would not talk to me. So that lady had to get a Korean interpreter to talk to Dr. Grace. I handed my phone to Dr. Grace and she and the two ladies talked it out. Dr. Lee offered me a foot bath but I didn't have time. Dr. Grace gave me a grapefruit and asked for two more masks with longer elastic, both with the horse and flag fabric.
I went back to post and parked in the back of the commissary lot. I met Gabriele there and gave her two packs of 4 masks. Then we talked for a little bit. She said wearing a mask might become mandatory but people won't be able to buy them. Senseless.
It was getting cold and windy, so we said goodbye and went home. I prepared my breakfast and ate it in front of my laptop. I also ate an orange. The door bell rang. Chris opened it to find a package. It was the new shower filter. He installed it and went back to work. I checked e-mail until it was time to go. Kurt wanted me to make him a couple of facemasks. Then my phone rang. Susan K called to see if we were ok and did we need anything. She also talked to me about fixing up a certain spot in the church flowerbed.
When I got to church, I took pics of the wall and the garden spot. I put two jars of peanut butter in the food pantry. I recorded the offerings that were mailed in. No cash, only checks. I shredded some old envelopes. I would have done more, but it seems the recycling did not get emptied last week so there was no room for the shredded paper. I wrote a check for next Sunday's offering and put it in the safe.
I took the stack of checks to the bank down on Whitesburg. I waited in line for 15 minutes in the drive-thru lane. On the way back, I stopped at a dollar store but didn't find anything I was looking for. I came home, wrote another check and put it in the mail. I also brought in mail, but nothing exciting.
I put on my heaviest coat and went for a walk around the neighborhood. I went by myself because Stacey was out of town. Just as well, because it says in the Bible that “thou shalt not CoViD thy neighbor's wife.”
When I got back, I read some e-mail and tapped with some videos. At 6, I ate one of the sweet potatoes that Chris baked. I also ate a bowl ful of corned beef stew. I was too full to eat salad.
I sewed a facemask while listening to a podcast on mold issues. I made my vitamin drink. When Chris was ready, he pulled up Locke and Key on Netflix. We watched two episodes while I sipped the drink. Then he made his lunch for tomorrow and went to bed. I stayed up for the usual ending to my day.
* Any ideas how to spruce up this area? *

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