Thursday, March 12, 2020

The tooth of the matter

I woke up early again. It was annoying. I tried to go back to sleep. Eventually the alarm rang and I got up. I brushed and swished. I tried to choose fabrics for a block. I called the dentist office and they said come at 9:20. I washed up and got dressed. I took two astaxanthin, and packed some packets of liposomal vit C and glutathione. I went to the dentist. I read a page or two of my book and then was called back. The assistant put me in the chair and got the x-ray machine ready. I swallowed one vit C and the glutathione. After she x-rayed the tooth in question, I took the other packet of C. Then she got an oral camera and took pictures of the tooth. She left for a few minutes and when she came back, she said the dentist looked at the x-rays and the pictures and there was no crack. She put the pictures on the screen where I could see them. There was no crack showing, but then we could not see the sides of the tooth that were facing other teeth. She told me to baby the tooth for awhile and put something between my teeth when reading or focusing hard on a task so I won't clench.  She agreed that she was 100% sure there was no crack, but my intuition tells me there is.
When I got home, I drank the protein mix, put castor oil on my tooth, checked e-mail for 23 minutes, then made the colostrum mixture and ate it. I read e-mail for another 25 minutes, then made and ate breakfast. I was already dressed and my machine was already in the car, so I headed out to quilting.
There was plenty of space in the quilting group. I showed off the flyers from the modern quilt guild, but I don't think anyone was interested. I got out the fabric I had chosen and starting cutting pieces. I talked to Carol and Christy until Christy had to leave. Then we all packed up and put away the group stuff.
When I got home, I texted Stacey to see if she wanted to go walking. I read e-mail until she texted back. I said I'd be outside waiting. So I went out and planted the irises and daffodils that we'd dug up. I still didn't see her so I went back inside and called. We agreed to walk. I went outside and pulled weeds until she came over. Then we walked three times around the circle while talking.
After walking, I went inside and decided to have a snack, but it turned into a meal. I listened to an interview on 5G and the corona virus while lying on the couch. Chris came home with a package from Swanson. I tried to sleep when the interview ended, but it didn't work. I played my trombone briefly. Chris made coconut curry soup from a recipe that I forwarded him. I cut more pieces, then started sewing blocks. I made 5 blocks in 25 minutes. The soup was ready so I ate a bowl. The grated ginger was too strong. Also, I had lost track of the time. 7Pm came before I finished. I called my tapping buddy and we talked while I finished the soup. After we shared our respective week, we tapped for her early memory. It seemed to go quite well. After we hung up, Chris and I watched one episode of Call the Midwife. For some reason, the little laptop started a reboot right in the middle of the show. So Chris hooked up a different laptop and we finished the story. Then Chris finished up whatever he was doing before the show and went to bed. I stayed up to blog and take supplements.

*  Blogger still has not corrected the error that prevents the uploading of pics.  *

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