Thursday, March 26, 2020

What a deal!

I stayed up late last night to tap on my tooth, the one with the old crown. It's just not happy. And the dentist office is closed, except for extreme emergencies involving great pain. Eventually I fell asleep. When I woke up this morning, I wished to sleep in. But when I heard the 8:30 alarm, I got up and shut it off. I took the first supplements, and stood in the kitchen sunshine, reading a book Stacey lent me. Then I brushed and swished. I started a new batch of sprouts. I played the Wednesday night music on my trombone. (six flats is not fun). I created a Ghostbusters/Coronavirus meme. I took the recycling out, and left the big bin at the curb for pickup.
Gabriele texted me asking me to come at 1 for my massage. Chris said I wasn't getting the whole social distancing thing. I washed dishes, and took more supplements. I read e-mail, and did tappings. Lots of people are posting tappings for the current situation and it's more than I can follow. It was sunny and warm, so I put the charcoal bags outside, then took a walk around the neighborhood.
When I got back, I made and ate breakfast. I washed up, got dressed and went to see Gabriele at the vitamin store. There was a sign saying 'curb-side service only' and the place was locked. However, presently, Gabriele came and opened the door. She was still chatting with her last customer so I sat and stared at the products on the shelves. Then she and I went into her little room and changed the sheets while we talked about...the coronavirus! I offered to make her a facemask, and she said she'd give me a free massage if I made enough for her whole family plus extras for the wash. Deal!
We continued to talk all through the massage. She really worked on my back to get rid of the stabbing pains. She found lots of tight spots. Afterward, I paid her and drank a can of coconut water. She walked me to the door and unlocked it so I could get out.
I drove to the Asian store down the street for coconuts. The Asians were wearing facemasks. The guy ahead of me in line said it worried him, but I thought they were being smart. I paid for the coconuts and went home. Passing the dollar store, I stopped in to see if they had green shirts. I ending up getting a disposable pan and hair elastic. Then man in front of me was buying milk and eggs.
Then I went back to post, and tried to go in Gate 10 to check the mail at the post office, but it was closed. I turned around and went in Gate 8, which Chris told me was now going to be open 24/7. Why? There's nowhere to go. All evening activities have been canceled.
Anyway, I went in Gate 8 and went around my elbow to get to the post office. There was a box and I waited for the previous customer to finish before I could pick it up. Then I took it home. Chris was still om his laptop. I took my mid-afternoon supplement and checked e-mail. I listened to a podcast. I heated some soup for supper, and ate seed crackers. I searched for some junk mail cardboard to cut out a pattern, but could not find any since I had recycled it all. Using just paper, I cut out a mask. I started sewing it together. Just before the step with elastic, I heard the skype sound.
It was my tapping buddy. I stopped what I was doing and got situated in front of the laptop. I activated Skype, and soon we were talking. We talked for an hour before we got around to tapping on worry. It was almost another hour until we finished the call. Not long after it started, Stacey dropped by with a tupperware container that I had given her. She wanted to walk, but I was busy. As she left, a guy walked up and wanted to know if he could mow my back yard. I told him I mowed it yesterday. Then I went back to Nell.
After the call, I made my usual vitamin drink and sat down with Chris to watch a Netflix DVD. It was a movie called 40 days and 40 nights. It wasn't a bad movie, but it was explicit. Still, there was no violence, so it was more conducive to sleeping than the Umbrella Academy.
Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog and stuff.

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