Monday, March 23, 2020

'Togetherness' was better today

I got up when I heard the 8:30 alarm. Chris was already 'at work' in the dining room. I started the daily supplement regimen. I brushed and swished. I soaked the sprouts and burped the fermenting bananas. I checked e-mail and listened to a podcast. I saw that Aloma sent me a video of a famous actor reading the book of Mark. I played it, but because it was two hours long, I did a few other things as well.
Chris took his lunch break at 11:30. But it wasn't food he was interested in – if you get my drift. Afterward, I took my shower and somehow got water all over the floor. I pinned up the curtain so the hem would dry and set the fan on. I meant to go back to mop up the water after I got dressed. But I forgot.
Instead, I made and ate breakfast. I finished listening to the reading of the book of Mark. It was interesting the way he read it, unlike I have ever heard it read before. I contacted Lars to see about doing the offering tomorrow. He said we are going to keep the same schedule as much as possible. Chris had a work call to listen to, so I made my call from the guest room.
I watered the aloe plant. I looked up the RS-4i on Ebay and there was one for sale. It was just the unit itself. I sent a message to the seller, and he said to offer $10 and he would accept it. So I did. I paid with Paypal and it should arrive next week. It might not work out, but its a whole lot better than buying a new one for $1200.
When Chris finished his call, I tapped with an audio from Gene which covered many aspects of Covid-19 life. I also texted with Beverly, and then practiced my trombone. I called Stacey to see if she wanted to go for a walk. It had been raining most of the day, but the rain had let up now. She said yes, so I met her outside and we chatted as we walked around the circle. We went around 4 times, mostly talking about our husbands. Afterward, I replanted the peony into the largest pot I had. It needed more dirt so I got some from small pots with dead plants in them. When I went in, I had some corned beef for supper. I resisted the urge to eat all that was left, and I made a big salad instead, using up all the greens from last week. I ate as I moved various files of podcast notes to a single folder. I called Dad, but talked to Faye because Dad was busy. Then I made vitamin water and watched two episodes of Call the Midwife with Chris. He went to bed pretty quickly afterward. I took some supplements and sat down to write my blog post.
* Fermented bananas after two days. *

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