Sunday, March 22, 2020

Too much togetherness

I got up around 8:20. I took the first round of supplements, then brushed and swished. I put together six more rounds for the days to come. Chris got up and turned on the router.
I watched our pastor on Youtube, giving the sermon. His wife and the choir director were there singing, and Cherry was playing hymns on the piano. During the prayer, Chris started shaving. So when the service was over, I asked him not to do that. It seemed to make him angry. After that, I watched a bit of the Wednesday night service. Then Chris asked me when I wanted to go to the grocery store. I said I didn't have a preference, but he hates indecision and we got into a fight. I got dressed and we went. He wanted to continue our discussion in the car but I said I didn't want to be upset in the store. My runny nose might be misinterpreted.
We got most of what we wanted. All the eggs were gone. I had to settle for the last can of coconut cream because all the coconut milk was gone. The arugula was gone as well, so I chose other greens. And I got mushrooms.
Faye called while we were checking out. I talked to her all the way home. Her church was online this morning as well. I washed the groceries while Chris put them away. Then I finished my supplement protocol and ended with breakfast.
Chris asked to see my mold test results. I showed him the mycotoxin test from a urine sample, and I showed him the report from the agar dishes. The first test showed that my ochratoxin A levels were twice the upper limit of what the lab normally finds. He looked up some mouse studies and said that a toxic dose was 3 orders of magnitude higher so I shouldn't be worried. We got into another fight. He looked up some of the molds found in the agar plates. I can't remember what he said about them, but he decided it was very unlikely that they were giving me a problem.
It was a lovely sunny day so I called Stacey to see if she wanted to walk. She needed 20 minutes, so I sat in the backyard and read. Then as I was about to leave, Tim called to see if we needed anything. After hanging up, I went to her house. She and I walked around the circle several times, and then over behind Housing to see the irises blooming. We also went to see the peony plant sending up shoots. On the way back, we met a retired couple trimming their bushes. We stopped to talk to them.
When we got back, Stacey wanted to borrow a hand sander so I took her into the garage and we rooted through boxes, but only found a sanding block. She accepted that.
I took the mid-afternoon supplement. I put on an audio and did some cutting and sewing to make the peacock panel into a quilt top. Chris cooked me mushrooms for supper and he heated up the corned beef for both of us. I wanted to make a salad as well, but I was too full. I finished my sewing and pressing.
Chris finished his game and started making some drink in the kitchen. So I put away my sewing project, and made vitamin water with extra vitamin C. Then I practiced the Easter hymns on my trombone. Who knows, I might be playing for a service on Youtube. We watched two episodes of Call the Midwife, then Chris went to bed. I stayed up to blog and stretch and check on the fermenting bananas.

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