Saturday, April 25, 2020

A chocolate heart

I got up at 7:15 and started taking supplements. I finished an episode about vaccines that was started last night. Then I watched Lies,Damn Lies, and Statistics. Although it has an inflammatory title, the speaker was rather matter-of-fact in his discussion of how the numbers are skewed by all kinds of things, like bad models, too few tests, changing guidelines for who gets counted and who doesn't.
I had breakfast inside, then sat outside and read a book to get some sun.
I made a black M*A*S*H-type mask for Kurt. I used a tomato wire all the way across the top. He wanted that to see if it kept his goggles from fogging. I also made another grape mask. I made a note on my mask tally sheet. I believe I am up to 88. Jennifer sent me a link to Lutheran World Service. They want people to pledge masks, and then to make and send in that number. I would rather make what I can, and then send them in. But they want them in bundles of 25. I guess I can do that much.
I read e-mail. I went to the post office to mail two masks to Kurt. We had one piece of junk mail. I checked the mail at home. It was all for Chris.
Chris drove me to Lowes. We selected one of the few remaining big tomato plants. He waited with it while I ran around trying to find tomato wire. I had to get someone to help me, and he did. It was somewhere I thought I had looked. Then Chris and I had to wait in line to pay for it. He took the plant to the car while I paid. No sooner had I paid, than I remembered that Faye gave me a gift card and there was still money on it.
When I got back, I talked to Faye and Dad. He said he had trouble playing the keyboard because the keys were too close together. I suggested he play in the key of B so he could use all the black keys. I asked him if he could put the keyboard on his chest to play like his accordion. He said yes, but Faye sent me a pic and it seemed a bit too big for that.
I went to Stacey's house. I could smell something wonderful from the sidewalk. Her husband was finishing the heart. He was reducing a sauce made of dark chocolate and red wine. We all chatted for awhile, then he poured the sauce over the heart, wrapped it in tinfoil in a dish and handed it to me. A chocolate heart – but it's not Valentine's Day. We talked a little longer, then I took the heart home to have for supper. It tasted great, but was a little tough, so I only ate half. Chris spooned some of the juice onto his rice. Then I made a salad and ate it at my computer.
William called. He doesn't like being stuck at home. I think he misses Wegmans.
I called Stacey and she said come over in 5 minutes. So I changed my shorts for pants, put the heart in a different dish, and wiped her dish. I took it over to her house. I told her husband how good the heart was. Then she and I went walking. I thought it might be our last walk together, but she said we could walk again tomorrow.
We quit at 8 because she had an online family game night to participate in. I went home and made myself a dessert using one square of dark chocolate, coconut flakes, blueberries and some cashews.
We played an episode of Inspector Lynly. Chris paused it when Michele called. She talked for over an hour. Then we finished the episode. Even though we have seen all the episodes before, we did not remember who-done-it. Then we cuddled for awhile and Chris went to bed. I stayed up to blog, or at least jot some notes.

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