Monday, April 27, 2020

Three more masks

I got up about 7, having been awake for some time and unable to go back to sleep. I washed up and got dressed. I took the first supplement. I read e-mail, then made more spice mix while Chris had his first telecon of the day. I watched a tapping video, and then the next episode of the vaccine summit. I did not know that Gardasil has the most aluminum of any vaccine, but I had heard it had the most side effects.
At 10 my Monday group met on Zoom. We chatted for 40 minutes and got kicked off. But it was enough time to tell them that we are moving this summer sometime. Then it was time to take a packet of Vitamin C. I was all out of packets, but then remembered I had one in a purse, so I took that. Then I made and ate breakfast. Afterward, I sat outside and read. When I came in, I saw Tim from church had called. He said church members are asking how to give online. I looked up how to donate electronically. Info pointed to them using their own bank, not ours.
I went for a walk. I went up the hill behind the neighborhood. I picked my way through the woods to find the hidden wall. I was hoping to see flowers there, but it was so heavily covered in ivy that nothing else could grow. When I got back, I took off the pants because I had been walking through poison ivy. I put on shorts. Chris told me the neighbor came by and asked for three more masks. First, I went to the post office, hoping my order of vitamin C had come in. But it hadn't. Then I called the church's bank. A lady there recommended Givelify, an app for giving to a church. I e-mailed the info to Tim.
Then I cut out pieces for three masks while listening to a video. I sewed the pieces together and turned them right side out.
I took a break for supper. I ate the last chicken leg, then made a big salad. I also had a square of chocolate with cashews. I washed my hands, finished the masks, sanitized them and put them in a baggie. I took the masks to our neighbor. I also checked the mail and found a nice card from Mary.
I talked to William for awhile. Then Chris yelled at me. He was very upset and I wondered what started it. I said nothing and left him alone for awhile. After a bit, he sat down and cued up the next episode of Inspector Lynley. We watched it together like nothing had happened. Then he went to bed and I stayed up to write this blog post.
*  The mustache mask  *

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