Wednesday, April 22, 2020

An offer he couldn't refuse

I woke up early and started composing a speech in my head about how social distancing may save a few adults lives, but crippling our economy will affect our children. All our children. For the rest of their lives. In an economic collapse, children die of malnutrition and domestic violence. But we don't have to choose between adults and children. Let's let the lower-risk people resume their place in the economic chain, and the higher-risk people can continue to self-isolate, if they choose.
Then the alarm rang. I got up to brush and swish, and wash my dishes. I jotted notes for my blog. I did my special exercises, and made coffee. I followed my usual supplement schedule. I pulled up an e-mail from Chris saying he got a job offer from Dugway in Utah and was I ready to move? Ha, no.
I listened to 5 meditations by Oprah and Deepak, and did lots of tapping. Then I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I took a shower and got dressed. I turned on the box fan to dry out the bathroom.
It was a somewhat sunny day, so I sat outside and read, finishing the book. Then I came inside and made breakfast and took supplements. I finished just in time to meet Sherry at 2 but I ran into our next door neighbor and we had a short chat. I asked if she wanted to go to the strawberry farm together, but she said she already bought berries at Cosco.
I drove to the trailer park and met Sherry. We walked for almost an hour and discussed masks and Utah. We passed a patch of red clover and I picked one. The purple blossom had a nice scent to it. We made plans to go to the strawberry farm tomorrow.
When I got home, I read e-mail. I tried to call Dad, but no one answered so I left a message. I finished off two more masks, and took the mid-afternoon supplements. I cleared a bunch of e-mail, and listened to an interview. Chris came home with a package from the post office. Supplements. I opened the box and took bottles out. I flattened a bunch of boxes and put the recyclables out at the curb. He told me he had two days to make his decision.
I heated two chicken legs in the toaster oven and made a salad. I ate while I watched a documentary on Youtube called “Out of Shadows”. I paused it to try Dad again. But Stacey texted that she wanted to walk. So we went for a walk, both carrying umbrellas. I told her about Chris' offer and she told me they will move on Sunday. Sigh. Then we walked for an hour around the circle, emoting.
When I got back home, Chris had Supergirl ready to go. I made my magnesium drink. He told me he had made his decision, that he was accepting the offer. We watched two episodes, then he went to bed. I stayed up to put silver on my tooth, write my blog post, do a bit of yoga, and get ready for bed.
* The real red clover *

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