Saturday, April 4, 2020

More sewing

We slept late. I got up first, having heard my 8:30 alarm go off in the other room. I cut out the large white center of a blue dust ruffle. I don't think it had ever been used, and the white part was the same material as the reusable bags I have been buying. I put the large white part and one of the masks in the washing machine set for hot water. I brushed and swished. I started a new batch of sprouts. Chris gave me a coconut oil massage, then put the sheets in the wash. We took a shower, and got dressed. I checked my e-mail. When the white center came out of the dryer, I folded it into fourths and cut a bunch of mask pieces.
I listened to a link that my massage therapist sent me. It was a doctor talking about the virus and how it is a false alarm because the testing has an 80 percent false positive rate. Afterward, I made and ate breakfast. I went outside to read for half an hour in the sun, but stayed for a whole hour. I heard Chris talking to his parents. They want masks too. Then he called Michele. She wants one with stars on it. So I worked on some of the masks that I had fabric for.
I called Faye to see if her hospital was overrun with CoVid, but she said no. I asked if she wanted a mask and she said yes. She also wants one for each of Dad's caregivers. And several for Kevin, but I don't think he'll wear them. I pulled fabrics from my stash as I talked to her.
Stacey texted me about walking so I put on my shoes. I met her outside and she gave me two palm branches from Jennifer. We went walking. She told me they had taped services for all of holy week just this afternoon. We looked for the terraced spot in the woods to see what might be blooming. But it was full of ivy, both English and poison. We carefully picked our way out and will not go back.
When we got back, she went home and I rummaged around in our kitchen until I found a pot. I carried it over to her house. Her husband had smoked the heart and then put it in a slow cooker with bacon, garlic, onions, and mushrooms. It was not a strong smell, but it was a good one. He gave me a potholder so I could carry it home in the hot pot. She was sitting at her kitchen table making pleated masks using scrunchies.
I put the pot on the stove and got a knife to slice a piece off. I sat at the table and savored every bite. The smoky smell reminded me of Grandpa's smoke house. I then ate a sweet potato. I wanted more heart, but I was full. I checked e-mail again. My therapist sent another link. I sewed more masks.
While Chris finished his game, I made vitamin water. Then we watched Locke and Key on Netflix. Afterward, we dressed the bed with fresh sheets. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog.

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