Tuesday, April 21, 2020


I got up about 7:15. Chris told me my alarm had not gone off yet, but I didn't feel like going back to bed. I took my mouthguard out and sprayed it with hydrogen peroxide. I took a supplement, then brushed and swished. I started working on 6 or 7 masks: two were fitted and the rest were to be pleated. However, the pleated ones needed elastic or ties early in the process and I was undecided, so I just finished the two fitted ones. I checked my e-mail, then finished one pleated mask by using binding strips.
I bleach Grandma's collection of shoestrings. But they were not white enough. I called Cecily and she suggested vinegar, so I tried that for awhile. Then I rinsed them and squeezed lemon juice on them. I put the bucket in the sun with my fingers crossed. I found another machine foot and wondered if it would work better than the open-toe foot I am using now.
Around 11 I took a packet of vitamin C and then started making breakfast. I ate while reading e-mail, then got dressed. I went to the post office to mail two masks. When I got back, I put on shorts and read outside. It was lovely and I almost finished the book.
After a quick glance at e-mail, it was time to go. I pulled a bunch of stuff from the Tuesday box and put it in a bag, then headed out. I stopped at a $ store, where I bought a book, and several pairs of black shoelaces for masks. Then I went to church. I dropped off the blue bags that I got at the bank last Tuesday. On the computer, I credited people with the offerings they sent in last week. Then Elaine came over. I gave her the music facemask she asked for. The elastic was not tight enough, but what could I do at that point? We talked for awhile, then she left and I went to see Bertha. I gave her a small project pieced from squares she had given me months ago. We had a nice chat.
It was after 4:30 when I left. I was sorry I had cut it so close because there was traffic on the road and road construction. Between the two I was afraid I would not make it to the bank on time. But I did. After the deposit, I headed home, intending to stop at the Asian store for pumpkin seeds. However, when I realized I was passing Whole Foods, I changed my plan. They had organic ones and I picked up a container of cashews as well. Then I went home.
I took my mid-afternoon supplement, then walked for 30 minutes or so. I picked wild lettuce on the way, and put it in water when I got back. I grabbed my daily handful of nuts and sat down to join the RCMQG monthly meeting, now on Zoom. The meeting went on 'til 7, and then we just chatted together. One lady left and we continued to chat. But when I said I had to go, it seemed like everyone else decided to leave as well.
I heated a meatball and a chicken leg in the toaster oven. I ate that with carrots, then opened a can of vegetable soup. I ate while watching an episode of Royal Pains. Netflix informed me that the show would expire sometime in May. Not fair!
I ate a square of chocolate with a handful of cashews. Then Chris and I watched two episodes of Supergirl. Afterward I made my magnesium drink. Chris fixed his lunch for tomorrow and went to bed. He has an interview tomorrow. I wrote my blog post and got ready for bed.
* There are no shoestrings on this mask, but the next one will have them. *

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