Monday, April 6, 2020

Three times is the charm

I got up around 8:30. I took the first supplement, then brushed and swished. I could smell the pork that Chris had roasting in the oven. I put cans of coconut milk on the stove top to warm up so I could shake them up. I checked e-mail. Chris sent me an e-mail attachment saying the garrison is requiring all personnel to wear face masks in public.
I participated in a Zoom session with some of the Monday quilters. Chris said Zoom was a potential risk, so I read about the risks, then followed the link. It lasted about 45 minutes. It was good to seem them again. I worked more on masks, including one for me. Chris had to go to the passport office. He left without a face mask.
I made and ate breakfast, then resumed sewing. So I was perfectly placed to see the next termite swarm in the windowsill in front of my machine. I took a pic, then got out the vacuum. After sweeping them up, I sewed intermittently, pausing to catch the stragglers. Chris called Housing. They wanted to send someone to investigate, but the pest control people insisted that we leave the house while they examine everything. Chris refused.
I asked the people next door if they wanted face masks and they said yes. So I sent a pic of the completed ones. They sent it back with the two they wanted circled. One was promised to Kurt's friend, but I could make another, so I took over the two they had circled. They wanted to pay but I refused. When I got back, I saw a maintenance truck parked in front of our house. I cleared my sewing area as best I could. A man came to the door to caulk all the termite tunnels so they could not swarm in again. He was not wearing a face mask and had the sniffles. I offered him a mask, and after he left, I used the wand to sanitize my sewing area and anything he might have touched.
I made several more masks, to replace the one they picked, and to try a different method. The replacement one did not work out for some reason. I fiddled and fiddled with it. Finally I decided to use the one that was a different method. I also tried putting a wire inside the nose of mine. Chris said it was too stiff and it might not wash well. I sanitized the chosen 4 and put them in a baggie. I put Michele's in an envelope with a card (since a regular envelop was too small). Then I went to the post office and mailed them both. I put a check beside the names of people whose mask I have made.
When I got back, I asked Chris to break off an aloe branch. I scooped out the insides and put them in a container in the fridge. I went for a walk around the circle. I put some heart in a dish. I got a text from Stacey saying she was ready to walk. I ate what was in the dish, then took her potholder and went to Stacey's house. Her husband and I discussed the possibility of heart meatloaf. He seemed intrigued. Stacey and I went to a $store. We wore our facemasks. I found the headbands I needed in shades of brown. After we checked out, we sat in her car and talked. She was reluctant to go home again so soon.
When we got back, I tried some of the pork Chris had cooked. It was good. I also used up the last of last week's greens for a salad. I read some e-mail, then watched an episode of Royal Pains. Then Chris called up Netflix and we watched two episodes of Super Girl. Afterward, he went to bed and I stayed up to take supplements and get ready for sleep.
* They must like me. *

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