Friday, April 10, 2020

A heart-y dish

I got up early to use the bathroom, and could not go back to sleep. Chris got up early, as in before his alarm went off. I gave him a reason to come back to bed. But eventually his alarm did go off, and he went to work – at the diningroom table. I tried to sleep but couldn't, so I got up, too, and started my day early.
I brushed and swished. I listened to an interview while trying a new kind of mask. I watched a video – it was made with H600, which doesn't ravel so she did not turn it inside out. I tried to adapt the pattern to fabric which has to be made inside out and then turned.
MaryAnn called and we had a nice chat. She clued me in to the concept of sexual harassment in the workplace: husband working from home, flirting with his wife. Ha! I worked on the mask some more, lost the mask, then found it and finished it and tried it on. Not impressed with the results for the amount of work it took.
I listened to a noon call for daily tappings. It was not as interesting as I had hoped. But they;ll go on every day until sometime in May. I was glad when it was over because I wanted to go out and sit in the sun. I made breakfast and took it with me. I discovered that contrary to looks, it was quite chilly. So I put on a coat and ate breakfast in the sun. Chris said the weather was going to be bad on Sunday.
I listened to another interview, but it bothered Chris so I stopped it and turned to the chapters of Lizzy Albright . I worked on pleated facemasks until long after the audios ended. I thought I would finish in time to get them to the post office before it closed, but then I realized I was one short and had to make a 9th,. That put me over time.
I texted with Faye. Her ICU is still not overflowing into the OR. Chris called his parents and we talked to them for a bit. They said the number of Covid patients in Virginia is peaking and expected to decline.
I went to the post office and came back with a couple pieces of junk mail. Then I went for a walk. I cut it a bit short, rustled up a seam ripper and went over to Stacey's house. Her husband had made a meatloaf and meat cupcakes out of the heart. It smelled divine! She helped me carry it all home. Chris declined to have any because it was Good Friday, a day when Catholics eat fish. I ate enough for both of us.
I watched the Good Friday service online, waiting for Stacey to text, wanting to go for a walk. But she didn't. I watched one episode of Royal Pains. Suddenly I started to feel sick. I mixed up my usual magnesium and vitamin C. I put C on a cotton ball too, and stuck it in one nostril. I also swished with salt water because my teeth hurt. Then I sipped my drink while we watched two episodes of Supergirl. I got really tired, so when it was over, I typed up my blog, stuck a couple of Vitamin C patches on me and went to bed.
* The crunchy bits are the best! *

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