Monday, April 20, 2020

Bacon mayonnaise?

We got up about 7:30. I brushed and swished, then washed up and got dressed. I finished the two book masks. I revamped my daily supplement guide and printed out a new copy, which I taped to the wall in the kitchen. At 10 I met the Monday group on Zoom. We showed off our masks, and chatted for 40 minutes.
I parsed out my supplements for two weeks, and ordered more for next time. I was pleased to see that my preferred vitamin C was back in stock. I added two month's worth to my order. Soon after 11, I made my breakfast. I ate while reading e-mail, then got a banana and sat outside in the sun. I brought a book, too, so I was out there for over an hour.
When I came in, my vision was a little off. I sat down and read e-mail. There was an article about 15 foods gathered from the wild, and one was wasp larvae. Hmm. Another one had a suggestion for making mayonnaise out of leftover bacon grease. I wished we had some. I looked up how to turn off the touch screen on my laptop. I speculated that it was causing problems, so I disabled it. I guess time will tell if the laptop behaves better.
I took a break from reading and cut two mask rectangles. I guess I got sidetracked because that was as far as they got. I looked for my mask but could not find it. I went to the post office to mail the book masks. The clerk said 7 or 8 people had mailed masks so far today. When I got home, I searched for my mask and this time found it sitting on the patio table in the sun. I put it in my purse. I tried making a mask like the one in a 2 minute video on my Facebook page. It took me a lot longer.
I watched a couple of videos of hospital staff saying what they see at work doesn't match what the media is saying. I heated two meatballs and made a salad. When I had consumed it all, I texted Stacey who was ready to walk. So I put on my walking shoes and went over there. I spoke briefly to her husband and then we left. She and I talked as we walked for at least an hour, not realizing the time passing. I think we did 4.5 loops.
When I got home, I made my drink. We watched two episodes of Supergirl. I texted with Mary who wanted masks for her daughter. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to tie up loose ends and write to my blog.
* This is my version of the 2-minute project that I saw on Facebook. *

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