Thursday, April 16, 2020

The shortcut

Last night I did some sewing on two pleated masks. I was worried that it might be the last thing I get to do for awhile. I went to bed with pains in my back.
I got up around 8, feeling much better. I brushed and swished. I fiddled with the masks, trying to get the pleats right. I tried cutting a cardboard container into strips that would pleat the mask for me. But I got frustrated. Elaine texted me saying she wanted a mask.
I ate breakfast outside in the sun. I sat in on a Zoom tapping call. I listened to several episodes of Lizzy Albright while making another mask, this time a male-sized one. When I finished it, I tried calling Elaine but she didn't pick up. I tried calling Dad, but he didn't answer either. I noticed my phone was hot. Hmm. I plugged it in to recharge.
I started mowing the lawn. Chris came out to tell me Elaine called. I went in and tried to call her but there was no answer, so I went back to mowing. Soon Chris was back, saying she called again. This time she was still on the phone. We agreed to meet at church in half an hour.
I brought my offering records and extra masks, and went to church. I corrected the omission made back in March and re-printed the reports. Then Elaine arrived. I showed her the masks. She tried on one female mask and one male mask. She thought the male mask fit the best. So she took that one and said she'd let me know if her husband needed one. As we were talking, I mentioned that my tooth hurt. She gave me some silver cough drops and said I should hold one next to that tooth and let it melt. The silver inside will help with any infection.
We parted ways and I went back to post with one of the drops nestled against my gums. It was uncomfortable. I stopped at the post office and picked up a package, then went home. I read e-mail. I got a text from Stacey about going over there to get my hair cut. But when I called, she was on the phone. I mowed some more, but the mower needed recharging. Finally, I walked around the circle once, then checked my phone. There were no messages or missed calls. I walked again, and this time she had texted me. But when I called, she was on the phone again. I ate nuts and a can of soup for supper. She sent me a text inviting me to come over just short of 7. I read some more e-mail, then got a nice comb and hair scissors and a razor, and put them in a baggie. I let my hair down and combed it. I traded my shorts for pants since the temp was going down. Then I put on a coat and went to Stacey's house.
When I walked in, her husband warned me that this could be a relationship-ending event. I assured him that no matter what happened, my hair would grow back. She had trained to be a hair-dresser long ago, but then her life changed. She had me sit on a chair in the dining area. She cut my hair as we talked. She took her time, then had me look in a mirror. We agreed it should be shorter and she cut more off. Looking in the mirror again, I liked it, and was looking forward to treating my itchy spot. She swept up the hair into a bag for me to take home. So much hair! She was afraid the change would be too much for me, but it felt great. We talked for another 45 minutes and then I went home.
I noticed significant dental pain. Now it was below the tooth I thought was infected. It had me worried. I made my magnesium drink. We watched only one episode of Supergirl because it was so late. My phone suddenly said it needed charging, so I closed all the apps and plugged it in. Then I swished with home made mouthwash, and worked on my blog post. I saw that our church wants members to send in pics of themselves flashing a peace sign. After awhile, I took my evening supplements, and put a C-soaked cotton ball in my mouth like a wad of tobacco. I finished my blog, and got ready for bed.
* My phone isn't taking pics right now, so I will post a pic tomorrow. *

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