Thursday, June 18, 2020

6 month check-in

I woke up thinking about my friend in the retirement home. I felt badly for all the elders locked in their rooms. She is 90 years old and able to drive, but not allowed to go out of her room for months. I'd hate being confined to my room for' my own good' with no say in the matter.
I did some tapping and visualization. I got up, took the first supplement, then went back to bed because it was too early. I got up again later, took the next supplement, then brushed and swished. I got dressed and watered the plants. I checked e-mail and watched a video called “Who controls Bill Gates' family?”. She said it was the Bain group, pulling strings to control the world. Another lady did a video showing that Osha says cloth masks don't work, and oxygen deprivation level of 19.5 is considered bad, and the air inside a mask reaches that level quickly.
At 11, I made and ate breakfast. I played another video, probably an interview. Then I went to the post office, but there was no mail. When I got back, I read outside in the backyard for half an hour. Then I came in and listened to audios on releasing emotion. At 2:30 I got a call from Evan. We discussed moving and supplements. He suggested I re-test for mold in a month or two.
Afterward, I cleared more fabric from my sewing table and started sorting what's on and under the sewing table. I made a cardboard jig for pleating masks, and put it with my mask-making materials. I had lamb and potatoes for supper, plus two stalks of celery with hummus. I took a walk and found blackberries for dessert. When I got back, I ate three frozen strawberries while looking at my laptop. I made a nine-patch block and packed fabric while listening to an interview with Alan Dershowitz. Then I made my magnesium water and waited for Chris to finish up whatever he was doing. Then we watched two episodes of Legends. Afterward, he went to bed and I stayed up to blog and such.
* These blocks were shown at the Tuesday group. *

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