Monday, June 8, 2020

A weird dream

I had a weird dream this morning: I went to the beach with my family, passing lots of houses, wondering which one we were renting. Then Dad parked on the street and went into a building to a room with lots of beds, but there were other people there. So no house, not even a private room! Faye pulled out a laptop that looked like Jaws had taken a large bite of it. She said Kevin fixed it for her so it still ran. Never mind part of the keyboard was gone. I wanted my laptop, but it must have been in the car still. Dad was gone (maybe to get luggage) so I was going to look for him, but then I saw Chris coming toward the room. By the time I made my way through the people, Chris was at the front of the room talking to a lady in sign language. But she blew him off and turned to talk to me.
I woke up to what sounded like someone shoveling ice. But when I got out of the bedroom, the sound was gone. Chris said it was a guy with a weedwhacker behind the fence. I told him about the dream, surprised that I still remembered it. I took the first supplement and typed up my dream. Chris took a shower. I started researching supplements online to find cheaper alternatives to what is recommended. I couldn't focus well, so it went slowly.
I finally made a list and ordered online from Wellevate. I listened to the end of a Proven episode. They were talking about frequency specific microcurrents.
It wasn't noon yet, but I read outside because it was going to storm later. In fact, I came in because I felt a few raindrops. Then I started the breakfast routine. I paused when Jennifer called to ask me to sing with her in church on the 21st, I agreed to sing, then resumed making and then eating breakfast. I checked e-mail, then posted a 'closed' notice to the Ace Acupuncture Facebook page. I also printed a paper for tomorrow.
I started a loaf of bread for Chris. I realized Chris was being interviewed on the phone, so I went outside to rake up cut grass. The wind was blowing. He came out to ask how I think he did. I thought he answered well. I noticed a bowl on the plant table was broken, so I brought it inside and washed the pieces, cutting my thumb in the process. I wrote a card for Dad and got it ready to mail. I tied up the plants in front so the wind couldn't blow them over.
Then I went to the post office to mail the card and pick up packages. When I got back, I opened the packages and put the new supplements away. I searched until I found my kite, and got Chris to get it down for me. I took it outside, but the wind had died down. And then the rain fell.

I looked up recipes for sinus rinses. I practiced singing loudly the songs Jennifer sent me. I am afraid I can't project like I used to. I heated a small amount of water and put a packet of nasal rinse mix in it and added a little xylitol and citrus drops. I squirted it up my nose and saved the rest for later. I rubbed glue on the edges of the broken piece and pressed it to the bowl, eventually tying a strip of fabric around it to keep the pressure on while the glue dried.
The rain had stopped, so I went for a walk. I saw some people had nice displays of plants around their houses, probably in preparation for the yard of the month judging. When I got back, I had supper, consisting of the last piece of heart, and a large green salad followed by a fruit salad.
I sat against my PEMF mat and listened to a visualization meditation online. I took notes on some open windows so I could close them. I deleted unread e-mail from last week. I saw Chris turn on the TV, so I made my evening drink and sat beside him. We watched two episodes of Legends, Then he went to bed and I stayed up to blog.
* This poinsettia got blown over so I had to tie it to the shepherds hook. *

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