Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Input with no output

Last night I finished the David Icke video, even though it meant staying up until almost midnight. Then I did 5 minutes on the inversion table and went to bed.
I got up at 7:29. I did the usual things, watered the plants, and listened to another interview by the same interviewer, Brian Rose. I took an abbreviated morning supplement routine and got dressed. I went to the Tuesday group. Like last week, we each brought our own chair and sat out in the parking lot. We had show-n-tell and we played a game. Robin handed out a word search puzzle. The first three people to finish, got a pack of playing cards with quilts on the back. Someone was giving out tomato plants. I wanted one but resisted.
Around 11 I packed up my chair and went home. I was hungry. But I was out of breakfast supplement doses, so I parsed out two weeks worth of supplements, and then made breakfast. I laid a number of the bottles aside as a reminder to order more. Then dentist's office called. She wants to x-ray tooth 13 tomorrow. So I put two packets of vit C and one of glutathion in my purse to take just before the x-ray.
I finished the interview with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. I gathered my Tuesday things and headed to church. On the way I stopped at the Humane Society thrift store, but it was closed. Then I stopped at the dollar store. I got a cord with two male ends, hoping to run a CD player in my car.
I got to church just before two. The interim pastor was there and we had a bit of a conversation. Then I entered all the numbers into the computer. However, when I was ready to print the reports, there was no response from the printer. It used a wi-fi connection. I tried turning the printer off and back on. I ran a diagnostic. But then Cecelia arrived with a quilt that she had taken to her husband in the nursing home. The home had written his name and room number in magic marker and she wanted me to fix it if possible. We had a very nice chat. She was sorry we were moving.
After she left, I called Lars, and then tried all the wi-fi cord connections. Still not printing. So I took a pic of the screen with the report on it. Then I went to see Bertha. I showed her the quilt. She didn't think anything would take the markings out. She had some hair spray, but that didn't work. She also had a bleach pen, but that didn't work either. And then I had to head out to the bank. I reached it before 5, but it was after 5 until I got to the window. After making the deposit, I went home.
Once home, I made a salad for supper. I peeled an egg, but it was bad, so I peeled the last one and put it on the salad. I ate it while reading e-mail. I finished just in time to join the RCMQG for their monthly Zoom meeting.
The meeting lasted over an hour, and there was no clear end to it. Only nine ladies showed up, and then two dropped out. I stayed until almost the two hour mark, then took my leave. I had a quilt and a quilt top to turn in, so Kerry said she would pick them up off my porch. I hunted down the quilt, and then put the quilt and quilt top in a bag on the chair on the front porch.
I made lots of chia/flax mix. I stopped to make magnesium water and then sat with Chris. We watched two episodes of Legends, skipping a cross-over episode because watching all the cross-over episodes confused me last time. However, I was confused this time because changes were made in the episode I didn't watch. They must do it just to confuse me.
Chris went to bed. I finished making chia/flax mix and sat down to write my blog post.
* From show-n-tell this morning. *

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