Wednesday, June 24, 2020

What if the virus is a genetic code update?

I got up at 8:30. I prepared for coffee morning. I took morning supplements on schedule. I looked out the window and saw a long-bed truck piled with new wood. Later, I would see that same truck, but piled with old wood from fallen fences.
I meditated and tapped while playing meditation music. Then I listened to podcasts while cleaning the bathrooms. I mixed bleach and baking soda to make a paste. I put a plastic bag over my hand so I could apply it to the black grout in the master bath. But that didn't work so well, and I had to finish the job with my bare hand. I washed my hands well afterward.
When I cleaned the kitchen, I scrubbed the stove top. I tried scrubbing the oven as well, but it was too stuck. I smeared it with soap and left it for later. Then I made and ate breakfast. I got dressed and went to the post office. There was no mail. I checked the house mail when I got home, but there was no mail there either. I gathered all the recyclables and put them in the outside bin.
I listened to an interview between Jeffrey Smith and Dr. Zach Bush. Dr. Bush says viruses are genetic code updates and he plans to show that this virus is making people more resistant to environmental toxins, like glyphosate. Likelihood of dying from the process is determined by the amount of air pollution. Lots of other fascinating observations as well.
I took the cover off of a couch cushion and washed it in the tub, and let it soak. I sat with the PEMF mat behind my back and read some e-mail. I posted some quilt pics on the Sew Faithful facebook page.
The rain had stopped, so I went for a walk. I picked and ate wild blackberries. When I got home, I called Chris, but he was on his way to his boss' house for supper. I rinsed the cushion cover and hung it up. I crushed dried mint. I watched an episode from the gut summit, then one episode of IT Crowd. In the middle of it, Chris called. He didn't have much to say so I cast about for topics of conversation. Finally he hung up and I finished the episode. I wrote and posted my blog, then watched one more episode before bed.
* This is the breathable mask I made yesterday *

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