Sunday, June 28, 2020

Last Sunday

It took me a long time to fall asleep last night. I forgot to take my phone to bed, so I did not hear my alarm. I got up at 8, and followed a reduced supplement schedule so I could finish before church. I showered and got dressed. I washed the dishes in the kitchen sink. I checked e-mail until the 9:30 alarm went off. I took the last supplement and went to church.
I sat in my usual pew. I put on my lightest mask and talked to Barbara and Jim behind me until the service started. They were sorry to hear that we were moving. Then the service commenced in the usual order. My mask got awfully hot so I pulled down below my nose. The sermon was interesting. The pastor talked about Jesus having the first rewards plan. Afterward, there was communion, which went well. After the end of the service, the president asked the congregation to stay a little while longer for a QnA. Barbara announced that this was my last Sunday and Lars said a few words. It was nice and I didn't have to be on camera. I checked the recording later to make sure. When they stopped recording, Janet brought me her leftover batting. Jennifer brought me something I had lent her and some dried mint. Other people stopped to say goodbye.
When I left the church, I went to Publix for groceries. When I got home, I changed my clothes, put the food away, and made breakfast. I ate it while reading e-mail. It rained suddenly, and then quit. I sat outside and read a book. When I came in, I put on an audio and finished appliquéing the nine-patch to Cecelia's quilt. I put coconut oil on my scalp as a preventive measure against itching. I put all the gardening tools together in one place, and cleared some space on the patio table.
Then I went for a walk, and picked lots of big juicy blackberries. Sadly I got my shoes all muddy.
When I got home, I picked some cherry tomatoes. I made egg salad for supper, and ate cut veggies with some avocado dip. I listened to several tapping audios for sleep management. Then I called Chris and we talked. After that, I checked my phone for messages and found two. Why doesn't my phone tell me this up front? One was from Pastor Keith, so I returned his call. I got to have a nice chat with him and his wife. Then I watched an episode of The 4400.
I soaked my sprouts, and parsed out a week's worth of practitioner supplements. I wrote my blog post and got ready for bed.
* This lighting is new since last week. *

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