Sunday, June 14, 2020

A brief look at my future

I got up at 7:30. I took the first supplements, then brushed and swished. I read e-mail until 10. I watched our church on Youtube. It went long and I was glad I wasn't there. Then I was hungry so I made and ate breakfast. I put coconut milk on the list and we went shopping at Publix. Chris didn't have anything on the list so the shopping went quickly. He wore his mask but I did not. That seemed like general consensus.
When we got back, we put away the food and I cleaned the cans. Chris put lamb in the oven for supper. I read outside, finishing book. Chris told me he was going to work to shred stuff. Finding myself alone, I called up the three songs on Youtube and started singing along loudly. Then my phone rang. I talked to Denise, whom I haven't talk to in a while. Chris came home before the call ended. Jim called, so after my conversation with Denise, I called Jim back. We talked for awhile, both sorry I was leaving. I picked up some scraps on the sewing table, and put them in the right baggies. Then I finished practicing singing.
Chris and I went for a walk and had a nice chat. We found some blackberries, too, and a few were ripe. When we got back to the house, we had some lamb and small potatoes for supper. I also made a salad with greens and some dandelion that I picked yesterday.
After supper, I listened to interviews: one was about an NTP study that showed cell phone radiation caused cancer in rats, but the FDA claimed it did not apply to humans, giving no reason.
Later Chris called me over to his computer to see the image of Dugway that he got from Google maps. It was nice to see that there are some trees and grass (where the sprinklers are). On the map, we followed the road to Tooele, and then Salt Lake City. I made my magnesium drink and then parsed out practitioner supplements for the week. Then we sat down to watch 2 episodes of Legends. Afterward, he went to bed and I stayed up to blog and do a list of pre-bedtime things.
* a space quilt from show-n-tell last Tuesday *

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