Saturday, June 20, 2020

Lemon was not the answer

I woke up a little early, but stayed in bed waiting for Chris to wait up. He gave me a coconut oil massage and then I took a shower. Chris took a shower and started the laundry. He put together some donation items. He took the Windows 98 computer and some other stuff to the thrift store. I put lemon juice on the permanent marker writing and laid the quilt out in the sun to fade. Chris came back. He said the thrift shop on post was closed so he took it to the one off post. When I became aware of which place he took it, I nearly fell over. I told him it hadn't been a thrift shop in years. But he didn't go back for it.
I whipped up a batch of seed crackers. I made up three batches of the dry ingredients for later. I also hardboiled 9 eggs. Then I made and ate breakfast. I did not sit outside because the reclining lawn chair was full of quilt, and the little stool was not comfortable. I called Cecelia to propose sewing fabric over the writing to hide it. She said ok on the back, and she would get back to me about the front. Then we chatted about other things.
I was going to listen to an audio from the vagal nerve summit, but since Edge updated itself last night, the audio would not play. I tried other browsers, but with no luck. So I spent the afternoon sorting supplements, throwing out papers and empty bottles. I packed the yogurt maker and threw out the non-functional unit.
I called Dad, and when he didn't answer, I called Faye, who didn't answer either. But she called me back later while she was driving. I told her I could wait until she arrived. I watched a video, or at least part of one, waiting for Faye to call. When I didn't hear from her, I decided to take my daily walk. On my walk I took pics of gladiolas blooming in the forest and picked some blackberries. When I got back, I made supper, which consisted of egg salad, celery with hummus, and seed crackers. I finished the video.
We started watching Legends at 7 so Chris could go to bed early. We paused between episodes for me to make my magnesium water, then watched the second one. Chris went to bed with a book, and I stayed up to blog. I also got a phone call from a charity. I did some yoga and inversion before going to bed.

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