Friday, June 5, 2020

Supper at the post office

I woke up in the wee hours because of the fury of the rain. Eventually I went back to sleep. I got up about 8. Chris was starting a telecon. I spent the morning going through my supplement routine and
listening to interviews from the 5G summit. Because I now have an extra-cord for my headphones, I was able to make a red binding for the quilt. I used a 2 inch strip so it would be quite narrow. I watched part of a TQS show. I read e-mail. I saw a video Kevin made on Facebook.
I made and ate breakfast. It was still overcast, so I went for a walk. When I got back, I asked Chris to put the two big bags of fabric in my car. I checked e-mail and started a video. But all of a sudden I realized it was 2 and I was supposed to be meeting Anita. So I jumped in my car and rushed over to the church on Jordan. I carried the bags up to the top of the steps. Anita let me in and we each carried a bag to the quilting closet. Then we stood there and talked, mostly about masks. Finally we walked out, but talked out there as well. When Tommy arrived, we parted ways.
On the way home, I stopped at the post office. There was no mail. But I saw the biggest dandelion plant by the sidewalk. I picked some leaves for supper and went home. The sun was shining, so I sat on the lounge chair (with the footstool under it) and read outside. Later I came in to listen to another interview and sew binding to the quilt.
Chris went out to socialize with friends. I ate supper, then started handsewing the binding while listening to Dolores Cahill. I left some binding for another day.
Chris came home thee hours later, while I was listening to a series of talks about iodine in cosmetics. Chris was home in time to fight the beast (or whatever the game sent after him). Then I whipped up some magnesium water and sipped it while we watched two episodes of Legends. Chris was very friendly after having beers with his friends. But I fought him off long enough to get my blog written.
* My petunia from last year is blooming again. *

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