Thursday, June 25, 2020

The coconut oil solution

I woke up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. I kept trying to put myself back to sleep, but it was like a plane doing touch-and-go's. As soon as I reached the edge of sleep, I woke up again. I think it went on for hours. So I decided to sleep in. It was almost 9 when I got up.
My head was itching so I melted some coconut oil and put baking soda in it. It took me two tries because the first time I grabbed the Arm-n-Hammer washing soda. I used a basting syringe to insert it through the hair to my scalp, then left the oil on all day.
I put dried sumac seeds in jars for packing. I wiped out the oven, though it still wasn't clean. I listened to an interview with a former content moderator of Facebook. Apparently they are not unbiased. I searched for my rotary cutters, but could not find where Julia had packed them. So I used a ruler to draw lines I could cut with scissors. I started making two masks. I called the dealership to make an appointment for an oil change. I listened to another Zach Bush interview.
Then it was time for breakfast. I made and ate breakfast while listening to Sayer Ji. I also had time to finish the masks and put them in an envelop. (The mask factory is now closed.) I checked the tracking number of a Swanson package and it said the package was delivered yesterday. So I went to the post office to mail the masks and to ask for said package (since there was no yellow slip in my box.) The man found the Swanson package and gave it to me with apologies.
When I got home, I called William just to see what's up. He said 'Nothing', but then went on and on about something, which I can't remember now. I went through clutter on the diningroom table and recycled a bunch of it. The grass seemed dry, so I mowed the back lawn. Then I listened to a podcast.
For supper, I had a salad and some lamb. Chris called, and talked about the house we will be assigned to, and how he doesn't want the trip there to take any longer than necessary. I listened and played Solitaire. Later MaryAnn called. We had a nice chat.
Then I queued up Netflix. I was surprised to see that I had watched the last episode of The IT Crowd, so another choice had to be made. I chose a show called Inglesias, which is a comedy about a Latino history teacher. Then I took my supplements and wrote my blog post so I could go to bed - and hopefully get a full night's sleep.
* These are some strip blocks that Beth made. *

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