Wednesday, June 10, 2020


I got up a little before 7. I started the brushing and swishing. I did my special exercises and heated water and made coffee.
I listened to a video that talked about the rise in autoimmune disease in children, which may be the result of having their immune systems tricked 72 times by age 18. They were talking about vaccination.
I did the usual Wednesday morning stuff. I meditated and tapped. I cleaned one bathroom, then took a shower. I cleaned the other bathroom. I got dressed and finished mowing the lawn. I also clipped some grass near the fence. Then I cleaned the kitchen. I listened to more of the interview and made breakfast. After breakfast, I printed copies of the offering sheet for church next week.
At 2, I met my tapping buddy for an hour of tapping and anger and sadness. Then she had to go. I walked around the house yelling at the top of my lungs. I thought it was good for improving volume. Then I practiced singing the three songs Jennifer gave me. Finally, I went back to listening to the next interview.
Chris came home with packages from the post office. I opened them and put the supplements away. He took my pic on the inversion table. I brought in the house mail. Then I trimmed the yard with the mower attachment. It worked ok, but not as good as the weedwhacker.
I listened to an interview and sewed blocks together until supper, which consisted of two hard boiled eggs mashed up with heart sauce, and a can of soup. Then I resumed sewing blocks together with sashing until Chris was ready to watch TV. At that point, I made magnesium water and put some vitamin C in it. I sipped while we watched two episodes of Legends. It seems to be getting more violent. Then Chris went to bed and I stayed up to take care of a few things.

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