Friday, June 26, 2020


I slept through the night, mostly. I got up just before the 8:30 alarm rang. I brushed and swished. I listened to an interview from the SIBO SOS Summit. I packed up homeopathic bottles in the kitchen. I took a shower to get the coconut oil out of my hair and it was surprisingly easy. The itch was temporarily gone. I listened to an interview with Andrew Wakefield, who has made a movie called 1986theact.
I made and ate breakfast. I listened to a presentation on starting a business. I went to the post office, but there was no mail. Then I went to Great Clips. They required a mask so I put on the thinnest one. I explained to the lady who cut my hair why I needed it short and she recommended that I buy a product called KeraCare because it worked for her. We talked as she cut and I had her cut it pretty short, both for easy access to my scalp and because I don't know when I will find a new hairdresser.
When I got home, I got the house mail and left it in the chair by the front door while I transplanted a kale seedling. Sadly I left it there. I lit the citrus candle and put it in the master bath. I got out a suit case and started putting clothes in it. I tried on a bunch of tops so I could chose the best-fitting and best-looking ones to take to Utah and wear until our household goods arrive and our 'new' house is ready. I found a small CD player and tried several sets of batteries in it before I found a set that worked. I meant to try it in my car but got distracted.
I listened to another SIBO interview. I ate some lamb and the last potato. I made a salad, then had some coconut meat. I looked into the supplements recommended by a SIBO doctor. He was advocating for a high-polyphenol diet. I remembered my phone was outside, and went to check it. Chris had called so I called him back. He was tired so we did not talk long.
I prepared my magnesium drink and doused my head with coconut oil mixed with baking soda. Then I put a shower cap on my head and watched an episode of The 4400, which I haven't seen in a long time. Before the second episode ended, I went to the kitchen to take the 'push' supplements and discovered that I never drank the magnesium drink. Sigh. So I took that and skipped the 'push' supplements so I could take the 'catch' ones a little later. I looked up the ingredients of KeraCare and did not like a lot of the inactive ones. So I looked for alternatives.
Then I posted to my blog, did a little yoga and inversion, and went to bed.
* I saw this on Tuesday at the Sew Faithful quilters meeting. I guess once I move to Utah I won't have so many quilt pics. *

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