Thursday, June 11, 2020


I got up before 7:30. There was no point in trying to sleep through the hot flashes anymore. I started my day with supplements, then brushing and swishing. I checked e-mail. I listened to several podcasts while wearing my airtube ear buds so I could finish the quilt top from yesterday. The speaker talked about asymptomatic vs pre-symptomatic carriers. I read a comment about how a FOIA request to the CDC for safety studies on a handful of vaccines turned up nothing. CDC said they couldn't find the studies.
At 11 I made and ate breakfast. It was sunny, so I sat outside and read. At 12:40, I put the book up and got dressed. I grabbed a can of coconut water and drove to the nutrition store where my massage therapist works. She arrived just after I did. We talked in the room, catching up on all the latest articles about the virus and such. Then she left, while I undressed and got on the table. She came back and gave me the usual massage for an hour. We continued our chat from before. Afterward, she left and I got dressed, then met her in her office. I paid and she thanked me, then got ready for her next client.
On the way home, I went to post office, but only found a letter. When I got home, I watered all my plants. I resumed listening and sewing. William called, but not about anything in particular. After the call, I made egg salad with kimchi juice and feta cheese. I also had a large salad. I took a walk, checking the status of the blackberries and finding a few ripe ones!
Then went back to listening: There was a Rev. Danny Jones who gave a great summation of the pandemic up to the first week of May. It was a month old so I don't know why it is just coming up now. Then it became an interview with a nurse that left Florida and went to NY to help out. She talked about patients labeled as confirmed cases even though their history showed two tests and both were negative. Positive patients were roomed with negative patients. People were intubated when it wasn't necessary.
Chris and I watched two episodes of Legends. Then he went to bed and I stayed up to blog, listen, and do a few before-bed things.
* This is from show-n-tell on Tuesday. *

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