Friday, June 12, 2020

It could end all life on this earth

I stayed up too late last night reading comments in the nurse's video. So I slept in a little this morning. Still, I was up before 8:30. I brushed and swished, got dressed and watered the plants out front BEFORE they dried out. I repotted some kale plants, hoping that would improve their disposition.
I worked on the panel quilt top. At 11:30 I made and ate breakfast. Then I sat outside and read for almost an hour. Chris came out to tell me that the packers will be here on July 6th. Sigh. So when I came in, I sent messages to my quilt groups to let them know.
I listened to podcasts for a while. Around 3 I opened the front door to go to the post office and found an Amazon box on the door step. I brought it in, and then went to the post office. There, I found another package and a letter for Chris. When I got home, Chris handed me two new credit cards and told me to cancel them. I tried online, but that didn't work. So I waded through the phone tree until it told me that the account was closed. Huh. Chris added the cards to the shredding pile. I opened the boxes and put the contents away.
I decided to go for a walk. But then I saw my neighbor in her car, so we had a little chat. She offered to help in any way she could and I accepted, knowing I needed someone to help me make decisions on what to pack. Then I went for my walk, checking out the black berry bushes near the Space and Rocket Center. I also saw gladiolas blooming in the woods. The weeds around them were so high that I had to look hard to find them.
When I got back, I ate supper which consisted of eggs and a salad and a pomegranate. I cleaned up fabric scraps while listening to a 5G QnA. Arthur Firstenburg said the growing number of satellites is disrupting the global electrical circuit, which supports all life. He was also worried about the health effects of the phased array antennas in satellites and 5G cell towers.
I sewed a few half circles that were cut out from yesterday.
We watched two episodes of Legends. They were the most violent so far. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog and soak sprouts, etc.
* another charity quilt top *

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