Friday, December 11, 2020

A bad back day

I went to sleep without the mp3 headphones. I woke up while it was still dark. I stayed in bed and eventually heard my 7:30 alarm from another room. Chris and I had some snuggle time, and then I got a pain in my back. I got up, took the first supplements, and had Chris put the heating pad on the recliner. I put on a piece of lidocaine patch and sat down to read a book. Later, I read e-mail. I skipped all the rest of the morning supplements and went to the breakfast process. My back hurt on the left side, but not in the usual way. So I wondered if I had a kidney infection. To test, I decided to do something that would make my back feel better, but shouldn't affect a kidney. I grabbed the kitchen sink and pulled backward to stretch my back. Well, the left side spasmed and I stood up rather fast. Chris got the rest of the lidocaine patch from the fridge. He said it was cold so I asked him to warm it up. He stuck it in his pants, and I had to turn away to not laugh (b/c that would spark another spasm).

I looked up the second person in UK to get the vaccine. I read William Shakespeare puns on Twitter: the Taming of the Flu, if first patient was 1A, was he 2B or not 2B? It was actually Christopher Marlowe who got the second dose of vaccine, but Shakespeare got all the credit.

I ate breakfast. My back still hurt, now on both sides, so I decided singing might help. Chris called up some Phantom of the Opera songs on my laptop and handed me the music book so I would have the lyrics. But the songs were not cheerful enough. He look for my Youtube playlist, but it was not under my gmail account, but under my Yahoo account. The playlist said there were 50 songs, but some links were broken. Anyway, I sang with a bunch of them, using another site to call up the lyrics.

I guess I was feeling a little better because I put on my coat and walked slowly to the post office and back. There were only a few envelops in our box. When I got back, I played a high school band tape, hoping it would spark old memories from when I did not have back problems. But I had to play it on the boom box in the bedroom and there was no comfortable place to sit. I tried it in the den, but could not get any sound. I called William and he said to check the cables in the back. But my spine wasn't having any of that. I sang with more my from playlist, then had supper, which Chris cooked for me: fish, stewed cranberries, quinoa and mushrooms. I checked e-mail, and listened to a talk from the Essential Tremor Series. He said E ET is not a benign condition. It is associated with cognitive difficulties, hearing loss, and balance troubles.

I made my evening drink. We watched two episodes of Republic of Doyle. I brushed my teeth and sat down to look up some of the actresses. Then I posted to my blog and realized I hadn't hit enter on the post for yesterday.

* This is the backhoe and truck that carried off the scrap metal yesterday. *

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