Sunday, December 6, 2020

Sewing class

Last night I made a wedge out of towels and pillows to help me sleep. I slept fine for awhile, then my upper back started to hurt. I rolled to the side to finish the night. I woke up hearing the alarm, glad to have slept so much, but a little achy.

I took the first supplements, then Chris gave me a coconut oil massage. I continued the supplement regimen, and brushed my teeth. I made some nasal rinse and used it. I took a shower to get the coconut oil off. Oil got onto the bottom of the tub and I tried to clean it off. I hurt my back. I gingerly got dressed, and sat in the recliner with a heating pad. I took more supplements, and made more spice mix to refill the container. It didn't quite fill the container which made me wonder if I ran out of a spice and forgot to buy more.

I chose fabric and cut it for masks. Chris found my bag from Joann's in his car. The paint and glue were frozen, as well as the remainder of my tea. I worked on making pleated masks. I selected Christmas fabric for class. I packed up all the projects, and Chris put the stuff in my trunk. We each drove over to the chapel and he set it up. I was really glad he was there because someone had taken down the table by the outlet, and I could not have put up the table by myself with a sore back.

After he left, I turned the heat on, and unpacked the projects. I worked on cutting pieces for shuttle blocks. Johnnie arrived with some English paper piecing to work on. Later, Melissa and her granddaughter arrived. The girl picked out the fabric and Melissa made the masks. I gave her some scissors and paper to cut. Then the grandmother went to get the mother, so there were 5 of us at that point.

After they all left, I called Chris to help pack up. I packed what I could, then he picked up the rest and put it in my trunk. When we got home, he pulled the machine and bag and iron out, and took them inside. I walked to the post office to pick up mail. Chris pulled roasted beef out of the oven, and made a mixture of onions and garlic. I ate that with quinoa.

I watched an interview on glia cells in the brain and how they are primed by trauma to overreact to future traumas. The only answer is to work up to fasting for three days. Autophagy kills the pre-primed cells so the body creates new unprimed ones.

I heated the leftover tea and added the tulsi tea bag, plus some honey and vinegar. I looked up some info to respond to Kurt's e-mail. At nine, Chris reminded me of the time and my laptop lit up. (I don't know why but the screen dimmer does that at 9). I made my evening drink and we watched an episode of Sherlock. Then we dressed the bed (he did most of it) and I sat down to finish my e-mail to Kurt and write my blog post.

* Another pic from the CDC room for the virtual visit with Santa. See the ninjabread man? *

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