Friday, January 1, 2021

New Year's Eve - the breaking of the pig

I heard my alarm go off at 7:30. I didn't feel like getting up. But I did some tapping and got up about 8. I took the first round of supplements. I made the usual lemon water and two cups of distilled water. I checked e-mail until I got a text from a new lady who wants to tap. I responded to her e-mail and we connected on Skype. Actually, I could see her but she could not see me. Anyway we chatted and did a little tapping for over an hour. We agreed to meet again next week.

I finished the lemon water right after the session ended. Then I started making breakfast. I ate it while checking e-mail and researching articles to answer Kurt's e-mails.

I contructed a shelving unit in the bedroom closet, but I was not satisfied with it. It wasn't very stable. I checked the garage to see if I had any more pieces. I bundled up and walked to the post office. There was nothing to write home about.

I read part of a book about the federal reserve. I took a break to build another prototype. I decided it might be better to build intermediate shelving in the fabric closet since those shelves are 2 feet apart. I drew a diagram, counted up all the parts it would take, and made measurements based on current lengths. I will have to cut a pipe in two so it won't be wider than the shelf.

I heated up supper, and read more about the federal reserve. I took another break to read a pdf about RBTI. I made my evening drink. We watched two episodes of Republic of Doyle. We cracked the peppermint pig, having been told it is a European tradition. I brushed my teeth and sat down to write my blog. I don't plan on staying up until midnight (MST).

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