Thursday, December 17, 2020

Unplanned baking

In the morning, I got up soon after the alarm went off, having slept a long time. My back was still a little iffy. I got ready for my meditation and detox morning. I took out the regular line-up of CD's and put in 6 Christmas CD's. I made coffee and did lymph-moving exercises. I took truly awful-tasting supplements. I typed in some notes for my blog. I looked high and low for the Ph tape. Not finding it, I proceded with the schedule of activities. However, later I did see it, and remembered that I had seen it earlier but did not recognize it because it was in its box.

When the morning activities were finished, I did some cleaning. Chris came home with packages from the post office. I asked how many coworker gifts he needed. I said I could do two bread wreaths and two bags of fudge by tonight. He thought four would do. He got the marble board from outside and brought it in. Since the 'fudge' was sticky and a bit malleable, I cut it into pieces and dusted them with coconut flour. I made up two bags of 'fudge' and tied them with gold twist ties. The bags and ties were from Korea. God bless the Koreans. For tags, I gave him stick-on labels and he wrote the names and pasted them to the bags.

I looked for my cardamom bread wreath recipe. I could not find it on my laptop or in the bread book. I started bread dough using Chris' usual recipe. I rolled the rest of the fudge into balls and dusted them, them put them in the fridge. I cleaned up the kitchen. I took a shower, then finished the post from yesterday. When the dough was ready, I divided it into six portions and braided two wreaths. I let them rise and stuck them in the oven to bake. I chose another recipe from a bread book and mixed that up. I grated a lemon and put some in the dough and the rest in the freezer. I squeezed the lemon and sipped the juice all afternoon. I listened to a podcast on how conflicts of interest have greatly affected the American dietary guidelines.

I went to my sewing room to work on the masks. I looked for my second rotary cutter so I would not have to borrow one from the class supplies, but my search was fruitless. William called and I talked to him as I searched, then heard the timer ringing. I didn't know how long it had been ringing, so I rushed to the kitchen expecting burnt bread, but it wasn't. I pulled it out and rubbed butter on the crust.

When the next recipe was rising, I made two masks. A piece of thread guide broke off of my machine, but I kept going. After I finished, I made breakfast for supper. The wreaths went into the oven to bake. I ate while reading e-mail, then pulled the bread out. Chris came home from work. He said someone asked him if I would like to take over the Swap Shop (which is closed right now). We discussed it, but really did not have enough information to make a decision.

I went back to reading e-mail. I tried to get a Paypal Cash account but there were no instructions on their site on how to sign up for one. When I noticed how late it was, I wrapped the bread wreaths in foil, in fridge, and made my evening drink. We watched a Michael Caine movie that came in the mail from Netflix. Some cloak and dagger thing that wasn't very entertaining. Then I brushed my teeth and wrote my blog post so I could get ready for bed.

* Co-worker gifts in a hurry. *

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