Saturday, December 19, 2020

Catching up

I got up when my alarm went off at 7:30. Chris had already turned the router on. I sat at the laptop to delete as many new e-mails as I could while listening to an interview on changes to the monetary system. Promptly at 8, the power went off. I put my laptop to sleep.

I felt terrible and didn't know why. I tried to read, but it didn't go well. I tried laying down but wasn't comfortable. Finally Chris took a shower and suggested we go to Tooele. He packed the ice chest and put it in my car. I watched while he scraped the snow and ice off. I would have helped if I had gloves with me. When we headed out. But just before we got near the front gate, he realized he didn't have his ID, so we went back to get it. My car was showing a warning about low tire pressure. I had asked him about it weeks ago and he said not to worry, it was just because of the cold. Today he was telling me I should have put air in the tires. Luckily the Shoppette had electricity so we went there and he added air to all four tires.

Then we went to Tooele, not listening to the book on CD, but discussing our lack of communication. We went to Luckey's first, then to Melanie's, then to Macey's. He got calls that something wasn't going right with the power situation on post. When we got back to post, we saw they had power. We stopped at the post office and picked up some packages. We went home and put away the food.

I made and ate breakfast. I also ate the jackfruit that we bought in Tooele because it was looking a little past its prime. I finished the interrupted interview from this morning. I resumed looking into RBTI. One of the articles talked about the lemon water fast and how a person can detox too quickly and not feel well. I think that's why I felt so bad this morning after having two lemons worth of juice yesterday. I considered doing it again on a day when there was little going on.

I wrote a Christmas card. I looked for a box that all the presents could fit in, but did not find one of the right size. I ended up back on my laptop, looking for a certain product but no one had it. Chris baked bacon in the oven, then used it to make some kind of mixture with onions and peppers and such, which had to be baked. I just ate leftover bean soup with hot salsa on it.

I made my evening drink, and put away Chris' bacon mix. We finished watching the RoD episode from last night and watched two more. Then I wrote and posted to my blog for yesterday, and then again for today. Phew!

* Mountains white with snow *

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