Monday, December 28, 2020

More snow

I got up around 8, took the first round of supplements, then made two cups of lemon water. I alternated drinking half a cup of lemon water with half a cup of distilled water. I don't know why it has to be distilled water.

I took care of the Paypal problem. I checked e-mail and read articles. I made and ate breakfast.

It started snowing. Chris packed the cooler, and I bundled up. We got in the car and headed to Tooele. Chris had to stop for the deer standing in the road. They headed off and we resumed our trip, and listening to the book on CD. I hoped we'd get back before the roads got too bad.

We went to Luckey's first, then to Melanie's. I had left the package of valerian root there and he remembered. So I got that and other stuff, but they were out of coconut milk. Then we went to Macey's for the rest of our groceries. I also popped in to the dollar store for a watering can, but didn't see anything like that. By then the snow was coming down harder and accumulating. As we drove home, I noted the time at certain places along the way, but our speed wasn't representative of our usual travel time.

When we got back to post, we stopped at the post office and I got the mail, which included a Netflix movie called Battle Beyond the Stars. When we got home, there were two boxes by our front door. One contained organic beef and the other held PVC corners (like the ones we just found in the garage). Chris opened the boxes and I washed the cans and put them away.

I put supper in the toaster oven, then checked e-mail, and listened to paraliminals. Faye called to say they got the gifts I had mailed. We chatted for a bit, then she had to attend to Dad. I ate supper, and finished a paraliminal and listened to another one. I ate half of the piece of jackfruit that we bought. Chris watched the next Hobbit movie. I made my evening drink, then sat down with him to watch the Netflix movie. We both thought we'd seen it before, but it was like watching for the first time. The only familiar thing was the ship counting down incorrectly near the end.

I nearly fell asleep during the movie. Then I got up to post to my blog and get ready for bed.

* These are some of the geodes we opened yesterday. *

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