Thursday, December 3, 2020

Maybe the air is a little thin up here

I wore the mp3 headphones before I fell asleep, and then after I woke up. They helped dampen environmental noise so I drifted off again. The 7:30 alarm sounded, letting me know what time it was. I did not feel like getting up, but when the sun reached a certain point in the window, I got up.

I made coffee. I answered some of Kurt's e-mails. I turned on the CD lineup, and did my exercises. The excavator was in full swing, first cleaning up the house debris and then cracking up the foundation and patio. Mediation was not easy under the circumstances. At one point I watched the machine take a load off of the truck and put it back on. It turned back and forth. Finally the guy got out. The truck drove away and another guy got in the excavator. Then the debris got cleaned up quickly. My guess is the truck driver wanted to take a crack at operating the machine.

When I came out from meditation and tapping, I found Chris had come in and I hadn't heard him. He put a package from the post office on my laptop. It held two oximeters. Not sure why there were two. Chris told me that the lady at the CDC liked my decorations, including the ninjabread man. (She is so clever!) Sadly I forgot to take a pic of the guy with the red belt and gi. I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen, swept some floors, then took a shower.

I vacillated between going to the CDC right away to help decorate or making seed crackers first. I decided to make the seed crackers. They had to bake for an hour, so I refreshed the ingredient mixes for next time. William called and that took the rest of the hour plus some. Finally I put on my coat and left. I stopped by Self Help and picked up two bags of softener salt. I asked if the water in the softner would freeze if the salt got too low and he didn't think so. Then I drove to the CDC. The parking lot was full, but no one opened the door. So I went home. I had forgotten how blinding the sun is at that time of afternoon. If there had been traffic, an accident would be likely.

When I got home, I checked e-mail. I called Faye to ask her some things and tell her about my idea to get Patrick to help. She said it wasn't safe for me to visit for Christmas. I made and ate breakfast (at supper time). Chris came home. We talked a little, and he watched Michele gaming while eating his supper. I went back to reading e-mail and articles.

I found some AAA batteries for the oximeter. I sat in a chair with my mask on and relaxed. The readings changed from time to time, varying between 92 and 95. Then I took off the mask and the numbers ran about the same. I listened to a subliminal recording in the background, and answered some of Kurt's e-mails, still wearing the oximeter. The avg reading was 93.

Finally Chris said it was 9 and he wanted to watch TV. So I made my evening drink and we watched one episode of Virgin River. We discussed watching Gilmore Girls, but he wasn't enthused about it. Then I brushed my teeth and sat down to type up the events of the day. I deleted most of the pics I took today, and cropped the only decent one.

* Any machine that can break up a slab and a patio easily is a little scary. *

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