Sunday, December 27, 2020

Struggle with financial technicalities

Last night I laid awake(or not quite asleep) for hours, far longer than usual. And RLS did appear so I had to get up and stretch several times. I was surprised when I woke up this morning and wasn't exhausted. I got up at 7:30.

Chris and I had a big discussion about Paypal's need to have a link to our bank account. I called USAA to set up account just for Paypal. It seemed simple enough. But Chris struggled to transfer money into the account so we called again. Finally we got that settled. But then I gave the account number to Paypal and their system made two tiny deposits and one withdrawal to confirm the acount. For me to have access, I was required to tell them how much was in each deposit. But the account did not show any activity and probably won't until Monday. Sigh. On the good side, the value of the crypto went up to $113.

I parsed two weeks worth of supplements, then made breakfast. I continued to struggle with Paypal to accept the account number, then accepted Chris' assurance that I had done all a reasonable person would do. I walked to the post office and found a Christmas card from my in-laws.

After wading through more e-mail, I heated some heart and vegetables for supper. After supper I listened to most of a 3-hour interview on Covid and the weaponization of public health. Then I made my evening drink and we watched two episodes of Republic of Doyle. I fell asleep during the second one and Chris turned out the lights and covered me with a blanket. Later I woke up, uncomfortable on the couch. I went to bed without blogging, and fell asleep.

* this is one of the slides for the interview *

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